Get excited. Why? Because the ultimate puzzle map is being made. You may be a fan of Halo 3 puzzle maps, you may not be, but either way if there was ever a puzzle map you'd want to try and download it'd be this one. Why is this one so special? Well because it's being forged by some of the best puzzle makers of Halo 3. Oh sorry did I say some? I meant that it's being made by ALL the best puzzle makers. All your favourites will be contributing to this unique puzzle map- BudddhaCrane, Yee Man Iz Bak, mander A1, The Flippy One (aka Mr Beastly), WickedSOADMAN, Jmen77, ZZmayo, and T3CHH800. We will be forging a couple of challenges each on the ultimate forge map- Sandbox. That way all of the challenges are extremely different from each other in both concept and style. It should be around a month or so before it's finished. We still haven't decided on a final name for the map but we will soon. Credit goes to T3CHH800 for coming up with the idea to unite the best of the best and organizing the whole thing. So make sure that you have some room on your harddrive, because the monster's coming, and it's going to be HUGE!
Does that mean I'm a bad puzzle maker??? Thats cool though, can't wait for it. Tell buddhacrane no jumping.
Actually, I loved your "Beaten Path" map. It was beautifully themed. The specific puzzled plus the difficulty levels for each type of puzzle was way more fun then doing a typical "do this puzzle > then this one > then this one > then this one > end hill / oddball". I won't lie, though. BuddhaCrane has amazing puzzle maps.
Yeah, I was joking. I love buddhacranes map and manders. Just make sure you tell buddhacrane NO JUMPING. (frickin re on carnation) Also, I can sometimes find random ways out of puzzle maps so If you do need someone to test, I can help you out in that field.
IF ever there was a thing to say it was ZOMG 4M4ZING and i dont say that often. IM new to puzzle maps but quite good so I cant wait for a puzzle that will test me for a long time
No it doesn't. T3CHH800 hand-picked the team and you can't really have more than 8 people make the map because there's not enough material. And yes I told Buddha "NO jumps" same with Mr Beastly. This isn't going tobe lame puzzle map, each challenge will extremely unigue and pleasing to the eye. The map's nearly half done now and I have to say it's turning out great!
This sounds great, you should try and get Aftershock 10 to make a puzzle or two also, I've got to say, he's pretty creative. I can't wait for this to come out, hopefully it will be featured too. Also, I dont think there should be a walkthrough vid until atleast a month after release. Also x2, maybe rewards for first second and third to submit video of beating it? like MS points or X month cards.