-=The Ultimate Clean Sandbox Canvas=- Download There are a great many Sandbox Canvases floating around out there right now. Most of these are simply variations on the way that the default pieces have been organized. One that I know of has the lasers blocked off, and as of yet I don't know if there is a budget glitch canvas posted (though some of the others probably have the glitch enabled). But no one canvas includes all of these...yet. Squidhands pointed something out in the Sandbox Tips Thread that I found interesting: only the spawn objects and objective points from the original Sandbox map configuration need to remain intact to enable forge artists to utilize the object limit to its fuller extent. I also remembered TheCartographer and BuddhaCrane's method for enacting a clean budget glitch (see here), and decided to put two and two together. This Ultimate Sandbox Canvas includes: Original Spawn Points - Since as squidhands and pulsekiller found that only the spawn objects and objective points need to remain intact for the OLN to stay at its highest (confirmed by LIGHTSOUT225), the original spawn points from the map have been messily piled into one corner on the ground floor. Clean Budget Glitch - Since the rest of the objects could be deleted, I decided to sign in a guest account and enact the clean budget glitch. Every object that can be placed more than one (read: everything except for the flamethrower) has the budget glitch enabled according to the method I linked to above. Lasers Blocked - For each of the lasers, a single wall was placed in front of the "barrel," blocking its trajectory effectively and opening up the entirety of the ground level. The only exception to this is on the laser tower closest to the sun: for that one, the fall barrier veers unnaturally far inward and prevented me from getting close enough to use the single wall effectively. In its stead, I utilized two double walls at extreme range, slightly overlapped in front of the laser to block it off. The results are a complete opening of the ground level, so forge artists can utilize the whole of the vast space and varied map geometry. Picture time (because even a canvas map would be incomplete without pictures)! Blocked Laser This picture showcases the method used to block five out of six of the lasers. Spawn Pile This picture shows the bowl of the ground level, with the pile of spawn points at the far end. Entire Field And just to show off, this is an image from outside the elastic barriers on Sandbox, showing the whole of the skybubble and the ground level. That Wall'o'Text (TM) out of the way... Download SandboxUltimate
This is great and helpful, but it has been done HEAPS of times before. If you were here like 2 weeks ago you would of been fine, but its been done.
...with the works? If you're going to crush my dreams and say that everything I've done on this canvas has been done before, link or it didn't happen...
I think this is great, I could careless if other people made this because I'm to lazy to look and this is right in front of me. Thanks!
wow totally ignore this guy, he's clueless. I've been waiting for a perfect canvas and none of them compare to this beauty. Thanks a ton for taking the time to research the functions of the OLN to make this canvas. This will be taking the spot of the faulty ones on my drive. I can't wait to try it out, and I greatly appreciate it!
alll the other ones i've seen failed to properly block the tower closest to the sun, i think you've actually bloked it off fully. nice job. This is exactly what every forger needs
If only this was out a few weeks ago..It's so clean! I had to get a map that already had towers blocked but delete every object to make a good canvas..Dang it! Anyway, awesome stuff, saw the link in the Sandbox Map Database. Ya know without the towers the main ground is larger than the sky bubble or close to it.
What does blocking these towers off even do?? And so just to clarify, as long as the original spawnpoints and objective points remain intact, the OLN will be fine? Everything else is safe to delete?
Yeah this looks amazing. I'll prbly be using this a bunch... but yeah I haven't seen a map that's been ultimate budget glitched (or even reg budget glitched) and laser blocked.... quick question, where did you put all the game variant objects (like the flag, oddball, bomb, etc)?
Blocking off the laser towers makes it so that when you go "out of bounds" on the main ground level, the lasers can't shoot you. It makes it so that the entire ground level can be used--not just the bowl. And yes, the OLN will remain at its height with the original spawn and objective points intact. Game variant objective points are in their default locations--floating in the sky over the main field. This is because I was too lazy to pile them together with the spawn points. Same goes for the variant start points, and variant spawn areas.
Helps people make cool maps out in the dunes, i have just released a map where i have used a canvas like this one. This canvas looks like the best one yet, i like how you used mostly single walls and not double walls like ive seen on other bloacked off tower canvases, good job 5/5
This is very good and the best so far but you really could do better all you need to do is neatly stack every spawn point on top of each other to make a nice neat oraganized stack and the objectives definitley need to be moved if you do not o this soon then someone else will and it will 1 up yours just because its better organized. So i suggest that you go not be too lazy like you said in your post and do it right instead of making us do it for every person that has your map.
This isn't an OLN canvas. I just tested a foman OLN canvas and found out that at the object limit deleting the original scenery won't decrease the object number. The scenery does factor in to the OLN immediately and deleting them won't decrease the ON. Everything has to stay intact. Link me to some proof of the spawn point thing. But what I found is that every original object factors in automatically to the OLN.
Deleting the original items does lower the OLN. Just saving the spawn points and goals is not enough. I have counted it. You can delete default items if you know you are not going to use them, but if you know you are going to use a default item, then use it. This combination will give you a very high object limit. Edit: And this map has been done several times. Next time do a search.
Here are the three areas that you look for in a ultimate canvas: Stalked objects, spawns, and goals (original items marked with spawn time 150) Budget glitched Lasers blocked except for the first one because you can't delete it after All of these are in this canvas, at to what I know, it is the best possible canvas. -Originaly stalked by Devinish & Cosmic Rick -Budget glitched by Uc Gollum -Lasers blocked and original objects indicated by me The only thing i can think of to improove this is to make different versions with the stalked objects in a different places.
Nice, I already did this quite a while back but I'm too lazy to post it. Congrats on actually posting however.
...no, it hasn't. I searched through the various canvases available on Sandbox and couldn't find one that incorporated everything that I incorporated. No offense, but please read the first post before you make ignorant comments like this. At the same time, thanks for the heads up about the OLN not being at its height. ^_^
Oh, I'm sorry dude. I thought it was a stacked canvas. They have been done before. Anyways, good job!
this is totally, awesome- and it really opens the map up now that those pesky towers arent shooting me