i'm guessing that you had spawn points floating in place and you took the picture before the elites begin to fall. I havent ever tried taking a perspective screenshot so i dont really know, but great job 5/5
Rofls my waffles. Dude, you are a genius. You have just given me the idea of the century, and for that, I thank you.
This pic is full of win. This is definently bungie favorite matierial (By todays standards not very high, but still needs to be seen.)
The 'layout' of the Screenshot is just really awesome, and the background, the theming also looks great.
It was in Forge, the Elites were standing on something, and somebody deleted the object, try it yourself it's not hard.
Yeah the Bungie favorites nowadays are BS. I don't care if they made a cool website promoting bungie to get on favs, they DO NOT deserve it.
great pic it looks like the elites crushed the hogs in the back though it would have been a cool little effect if they were flaming and you cant tell the elites are closer overall grreat pic and how did you get them to float/be in the same level??
if your looking for some fun to do when your bored try out out screenshot competition, this is not a major competition but its for people that just want to show off what they have got soo check out this link if you interested http://www.forgehub.com/forum/scree...r-shot-screenshot-competition.html#post494717