Well, I've got a little problem. I used the infinite money canvas, created all of the geometry of my map, and suddenly, I couldn't place anything but shield doors after I had put them upside down and use the save/quit method of floating. But really, I have 0 dollars, and I can't reset the maximum because I have no money, and deleting stuff doesn't add to my total money. And yeah, all of the orginal stuff is there. I didn't delete it or anything.
If accidentaly delete stuff while using the unlimited budget glitch, then you will never be able to place whatever you deleted.
What's happening is you're hitting your item limit for what is allowed in the map. This includes all types of spawns and the undelete-able gametype goals. And really, if you're using the budget-glitched Foundry, go ahead an delete what you know you're not going to need, like the gigantor vehicles. There's no need to keep stuff like that around if it's limiting your map to the point of frustration.
You don't need to set the maximums for all of the items, just most of them. Like if you changed all but the frags, you can delete those with reckless abandon.
I wouldn't go so far as to say "reckless abandon." I read about similar happenings in other threads and I will add my two cents to it. FORESIGHT. Building your map on a piece of paper, or even in your head helps tremendously. After that, you should know what you need of everything. *First, map out the geometry (as you did) and once that is 100% correct, delete unneeded walls, boxes, etc. *Second, place all applicable game objectives. The FMGC map provided on this site only has one hill, on territory, one VIP checkpoint, etc. These take away from your OVERALL item limit, so place those second. *Third, place all your weapons and equipment that you will need off to the side (one of the office rooms should work). 4 BRs, 8 plasma 'nades, etc. and delete everything else. No need to place them right away, but put them off to the side so the game accounts for them before you reach your item limit. *Vehicles (if applicable) comes fourth, and scenery last. Traffic cones, pallets, barricades, etc. don't add useful function to most maps, so place those last. *LASTLY, look for ways to streamline your map. Perhaps there are two walls that could easily be replaced by one double wall, or a box that doesn't really serve a purpose that can be deleted. Look, and you shall find... I hope this helps. --dc