This is where i figure i could put some info on the Uber Gaming Group. I made this group a few months ago, but we fell into a pit and nothing really happened. Ive decided to bring it back alive, as i figure bringing it to a new community would get some new joiners. Ive got a new site in the works, and im going to get working on the forums, but this is how to join: Fill out the Resume below Email: (If you have none, fill out the bottom) Instant Messaging Username: Xfire Username: (If you dont have one, download xfire and sign up, its fast & free) Favourite Games: Past Computer Experience: Can your make games and/or mod them?: Are you looking for help in a certain area of expertise?: We are currently looking for anyone to join, if your interested PM me here, Email me, or add me on Xfire. Email: Xfire:cisleader Have a good day!
1. Thats my spam email, i check it once a day tho for new email, and im a computer geek so bots have got a little chance of harming my system so i post it up for our own communication 2. The site is Im planning on buying a domain but im not a 30 year old with money like that so im sticking with a creator for the time being, but if i can save enough cash i could probably get a domain for it. Im building forums now, ill post the link when they are up.