What do you all think the goverment has bin doing behind our backs? What is going on in Area 51? This may be a dumb question but was Bush really elected by the people TWICE???
well, 911 was real, not staged like many beliefs, I really dont think Bush is a bad president, and if he is then why did he get the job for 8 years. I guess area 51 could be real, but i doubt it. that doenst mean i dont believe in aliens. But over all i dont think the American Government is corrupt. And i know im probably going to get some bad rep for this, but im just putting my opinion out there.
Once you take an economics class, and watch a few indie documentaries, you will see how corrupt the U.S. government really is. I did my research on the twin towers, and they were made to actually withstand a Boeing 747 impact. 911 has A LOT of evidence pointing to it being staged, and 911 was the perfect situation to give the U.S. some right to go after al qaeda, which the U.N. condemned us going after them anyway.. And, instead of staying on target, we turned around and invaded Iraq, only for the oil. The U.S. is corrupt, only it covers it up in the general media, so you don't see all the icky parts.
Ive taken government and economics, and im a right winger thats why i disagree with alot of people, but there are always going to be sign of something for everything. Just like that # 23 thing, its pretty clever but not real.
To answer your second question; technically no, George Bush did not win the popular (mass consensus) vote. But he had the electoral votes, so there you go. But he did win a second term, which still makes me cry at night sometimes. There's a very interesting article about the 2004 election and how easily hacked the electronic voting machines can be. Located here. As for Area 51, obviously there's a flying spacecraft housed there that the US government has been studying for decades. Somehow Steve Jobs was able to reverse-engineer their guidance systems to create Apple computers so when they invade us (and you know they will), we can use an Airbook or whatever to hack into their systems and win the day.
I think they really are, they had our soldiers invade a country for oil. The evidence of 9/11 is surely against them. People within the general area of 51 have said that the people who came out of it always say they have seen aliens. And bush definently did something to turn the election over to his favor.