Hello, everyone, I've been following these forums and downloading its maps for quite awhile now, and I thought the time has finally come for me to actually make an account and maybe, at some point, make some map contributions of my own. Then I thought, what better way to to get rid of that fresh, unused account feeling then to make an introduction thread? So here I am completing this post and awaiting fellow members to help raise my self esteem by posting polite replies about how excellent of a person I am.... Well then, the waiting begins.
Welcome to ForgeHub! I suggest to take a look at the site at first, get a feeling of what kind of comments you need to post, be good and stuff like that. I also recommend you to take a look at the Forging 101 section at the main page, if you don't know any advanced Forging techniques. Kthxbai.
Welcome to ForgeHub! If you need anything or have any questions please PM me! Once again welcome and Happy Forging!
Welcome to ForgeHub! i hope you will be an active and contributing member. Good luck and happy forging!
I'm afraid I've just been informed that you are, in fact, a very bad man. Sorry, I don't make the rules... In all seriousness though, welcome to FH. You seem to know your way around a keyboard, as well as being mature and not taking yourself too seriously, which is good. As others have said, look around, get a feel for the place, read the rules and all will be well. If you have any questions, either regarding the forums or Forge, then send me a PM and I'll do my best to help. Hope you enjoy your time at FH, its a great community with more than a few characters, welcome again.
Welcome to Forgehub. I hope you enjoy your time here and don't forget to post maps! Oh btw did I mention how much of an excellent person you are?
your an excellent person, can i haz r3p n0w? lol just kidding. welcome to forgehub my good man. seriously wheres the rep. and i want GOOD rep! not that crap that kids are selling on the streets these days.
Welcome to Forgehub! Enjoy your stay and please dispose of all trash (spam) at the door. Thank you. Ok... Lol. Welcome to Forgehub, read the rules, don't spam, and have a good time. Feel free to PM me if you have a question about the site or something.