
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Vaskadar, Nov 10, 2010.

  1. Vaskadar

    Vaskadar Forerunner

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    Typhon - By Vaskadar

    Description: Typhon is a multi-leveled symmetrical map designed for fast movement in all directions. It uses eight man cannons to supplement movement in the vertical direction, as no teleporters are used.

    Each inch of ground taken is a tough battle in CTF, as players are almost always engaged in the battle. A couple wrong steps will lead you to your death. While carrying the flag, it is not possible to jump to the gravity lift from the landing pad, so the carrier is given several options. Risk taking the high road for a bee-line to the base, fight through the opposition to reach the man cannon and risk losing the flag to defenders, take the high road, or take the lower routes to reach your destination more covertly.

    YouTube - Typhon Map Flow

    Weapons on Map

    Concussion Rifle x1
    Energy Sword x1
    Focus Rifle x2
    Shotgun x2
    Needler x2
    Needle Rifle x2
    DMR x4
    Plasma Pistol x4
    Plasma Repeater x4
    Plasma Grenade x12

    The power weapons have rather long respawn times, as there are quite a few. Shotgun is for base defense, and comes with no extra ammunition. Focus rifles are on the lower levels of the map on opposing sides. Sword is in center, close to the top. Concussion rifle is right below that.

    #1 Vaskadar, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  2. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have quite a few playtests under my belt on this map. I am single-handedly responsible for the nerfing of the side towers ;)

    This map requires a responsive team with a well developed sense of communication to win because it is so multi-layered. Calling out positions is tough and heading off flag runners is alot of fun. Expect lots of bloody feuds with dropped flags as you move the flag one yard at a time.

    I recommend giving this map a spin in CTF with of good teammates...I guess bad ones work too...

    P.S.: The Youtube vid doesnt work for me as an embed. I had to go to youtube to watch it
    #2 Toastman, Nov 10, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2010
  3. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is one of the most interesting maps I've seen on the forums so far.

    Four Plasma Pistols on one map I think is too many, as they are already really good when combined with a precision weapon. Two should be sufficient.

    The cannon men placed on this map help to connect everything, but I think you may have gone to far. It looks as though using them will get you all around the map too quickly. A good example would be a CTF game, and the flag runner can get back to his base faster than he should be able to. In my opinion, the bottom floor would only need two cannon men/gravity lifts instead of four, because they all lead to the same place.

    You have too many plasma grenades. They are underestimated when in fact they are very powerful and can often get players double kills. Try having two plasma grenades for each team on a thirty second timer. Maybe having six total wouldn't be that bad either, but twelve is just way too many.

    The flag spawns seem really open based on the video and the screenshots. Maybe you can put a landing pad directly above it but reversed, and then add some walls and make it more like a building? Of course, this may not work because it could ruin the pathing of the cannon man. I can also see some areas where railings would be useful so that people do not fall off of the edges of the map by accident.

    Nice job on this map, I can see that you have worked very hard on it making sure that there is little to no Z-fighting and that all the cannon men line up, good job!
  4. Vaskadar

    Vaskadar Forerunner

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    Thanks for the comment Antares, I appreciate the feedback. I will however state that the map has endured extensive testing, and I don't plan on changing it any more than I already have. While there are 6 sets of plasma grenades on the map, the ones most commonly used are the ones with the longer respawn times, since they are on the landing pads themselves. The second-most-used plasma grenade sets are on the comm towers. The least used are at the bottom, and are really not a problem. There are single sets of plasma grenades in between the pillars at the bottom of the map (underneath focus rifle), those are genuinely difficult to reach, and provide little reason to travel down there. Due to the many different angles and open-ended traits of the map, it is difficult to utilize the grenades to their maximum effectiveness, so they were of little concern while I was testing with friends.

    Having open flag spawns is actually conducive to forcing players off the landing pad and into the nearby base or down to the focus rifle pillars. The two 'walls' on the landing pad provide adequate cover for a surprise attack against unsuspecting opponents making their way across the man cannon. Having an open flag spawn means that it's visible, and is high risk to attack, and defend. Equal chances are given for every player.

    The gravity lifts on the bottom floor lead up to the Concussion Rifle, and provide another option for players. The man cannons placed vertically lead to the sword, but if you take that route, you are momentarily vulnerable to attack from other angles. Consider the fact that anyone can use the man cannons, and flag carrier is much slower. Map control is established by taking the high ground (even though the power weapons are on the lower sections), since the high ground is mostly inaccessible by man cannon or grav lift. All parts of the map connect in some way or another, and there are several skill jumps in place which can be used by anyone with any armor ability.

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