Types of Music

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sourdauer, Aug 7, 2009.

  1. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    This is a debate directed at musical preferences; what is your favorite kind of music? why do you like said music? what, in your opinion, is the most important aspect of music? do you like a funky beat, the way it makes you feel ect...

    This is NOT a debate on the "best" kind of music, dont slander someone else for their personal taste!!! music is supposed to be a positive experience!!!

    My favorite type of music is electronic, or electo. many people dont take electro seriously because they consider it "cut and paste" music, or have a phobia of kick-ass-bass. in reality, electro can be anything from relaxing to invigorating. electro can calm u down, or speed you up. its got funky beats, and smooth synthetics. and really...who doesn't like to dance?
    #1 sourdauer, Aug 7, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2009
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest


  3. abandoned heretic

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    This isnt really a debate but rock and metal for the anger some of it has to some of the good times music alot of variety more than what I mentioned each era has its own type of music it's really unique.
  4. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I really like Metal & Rock, because the genre is notorious for takign no ****, and writing about what is close to the artists' heart. Plus, the Genre can be swayed a lot without it going wrong. I find that mainstream/Indie musicians (and the ones that sing words given to them on paper) find it hard to stray out of the spiderweb that is the pop-music culture, as their career involves trying to adapt to cultural changes. I mean, heavier music does too, but it can range from subtle changes to enourmous genre-jumping concepts. (Cue Linkin Park Hatred now.)

    Personally, I think artists such as Slipknot (Mainly Corey Taylor, whos vocals range from acoustic ballads to fast-beat DJ mosh-fests), Machine Head and Avenged Sevenfold show how much an artist can change without losing the respect they deserve. In pop-culture music, I've always imagined there's the fear that the record companies will toss you aside if you step out of line.

    When KoRn were told to write a new single by their record company, they wrote "Y'all Want a Single?", essentially a middle finger at the RC. If somebody like Lady GaGa pulled a stunt like that, trashy magazines and tabloid shock would destroy her career.

    Which brings me onto the next point as to why I prefer metal and rock; they can beat any scrutiny. I remember reading countless articles about how Slipknot have made people murder people. Hell, MCR (who i ain't fond of, but it's a good example) were allegedly banned in Russia due to a suspected link to suicide cults. Yet, these bands push aside the bad press and continue to do what they do. I've always felt that mainstream music, and the members of the band, are slated by the Tabloids and, whether they deserve it or not, it usually ends fairly badly.
  5. Ponponhead

    Ponponhead Ancient
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    For a while now I've really enjoyed listening to Punk-rock, mainly because it's just fast paced rock. The band I mostly listen to is Bad Religion, a band that is more like an 80s band.
  6. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    i don't even see how this is a debate. Do you even understand what a debate is? In the future before you post, read the forum rules.
  7. Ponponhead

    Ponponhead Ancient
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    blah blah blah blah FORUM RULES DEBATE blah blah blah...who cares?
  8. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    The Mods

    Anyways I like every type of music except Screamo and most Jazz songs but my favorites would have to be Rock and Metal.
  9. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    You described mainstream, but indie's whole scene is doing their own thing.

    I'm an indie/alt rock fan. If it's mainstream guaranteed to hate it, if it's hardcore I won't like it. I ain't talking about just indie rock either, I'm a big fan of indie electronic, and electro as well. I like the bands no ones heard of, because bands that just start up tend to have an awesome sound that nice equipment can't reproduce. Some would disagree but that's my opinion in the matter.
  10. Shad0w Viper

    Shad0w Viper YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    *Moved to General Chat*

    This is more of a discussion then a debate.
  11. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I'm all about extreme metal. Death, thrash, black, grindcore, doom, etc. I never really thought about why I like it so much to be honest. I was raised on pop and classic rock, butt the first time I heard Cannibal Corpse, something just clicked. It REALLY bugs me how a lot of people claim stuff like death metal isn't really music, that's just ignorant.

    Usually I can be pretty eclectic with my music tastes, though. I'm listening to Wu-Tang Clan's debut right now, and when I finish it I think I might throw on some Steely Dan or King Crimson.
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I'm really about any kind of alt rock. I like anything from the more mainstream to the obscure bands. Nothing hardcore though. I respect it as music, but melodic parts are more important to me than the power of the music. In fact, I find that melodies carry the message of a song better than intense volume.
  13. theshf

    theshf Ancient
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    well if you like eclectic, check check. High in One Eye on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads. not to promote my music as a shameless plug, but we just recorded a new EP and it may be in your liking? who knows! BTW i'm listen to Red right now. Great crimson album.

    to quote lippy btw ^^

    Now for genre's the sky's the limit. Jazz, Classical, Minimalist, Progressive, Instrumental, Math Rock, Electronica, Trip Hop, etc.

    Can't really stand singer song writers unless they do serve a purpose other than making one hit wonders. Hip-Hops badass, gangsta rap, however, is not.

    Also into weird Avant Garde, Electro-Acoustic, some tape music type stuff. Music is great.
    #13 theshf, Aug 9, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2009
  14. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    When it comes to music genre it depends on my mood or current activity. I'm aware that thats a vague answer but let me explain. I do a lot of intense training to keep fit and I go to the gym a lot, thus playing a metal or drum & bass song will get me pumped up per se. If I'm relaxed I will listen to soft or indie music, I think you get the idea. I'm not fond of rap but an indie/rock and Drum & bass fan because I feel it reflects who Iam, I can be relaxed and cool but still can have crazy fun.

    Never be afraid to try new things, you never know you could find what you were looking for.
  15. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    Generally, I'll listen to anything from the 80's, but I prefer 80's metal. Y'know, bands like Whitesnake, Dokken, Guns 'n Roses, Van Halen, Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, & ACDC. Wierd enough, my favorite band is NOT from the 80's, nor is it METAL. It's actually QUEEN. I love every single one of their songs, & the experimentation of different styles of music by Freddie Mercury into his songs gives each of his songs a new style anyone can listen to.
  16. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Queen is amazing, they were my first favorite band.
  17. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Metal, and almost every sub-genre of it, Ska, Techno/Electropop/Trance. Alternative, Classical.

    Stuff of that sort is all good to me. :)
  18. ANTI YOU

    ANTI YOU Ancient
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    i like oi/punk, street punk and hardcore. real people. real lyrics. real music. oi! oi! oi!
  19. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Didn't we have a topic about this awhile ago? Like, what's your favorite Music Genre.
  20. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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