TwoWorlds 3.5

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Pvt Fr3nchy, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Pvt Fr3nchy

    Pvt Fr3nchy Forerunner

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    Two Worlds

    Twoworlds is a constantly changing map. It isn't in its finished state. this thread is still under construction, not all screenshots are up to date. I will add more soon, and will detail it more. I made this map, own my own but used some feedback from playtests with friends from my friends lists and some other people. I play test this map daily and enjoy constructive feedback. Invasion slayer for this map will be coming soon. I might choose to change the name when it becomes a more stable build for this map, twoworlds was just a working title.

    I playtest this almost on a daily basis, and will likely have play test today(10/11/10) between 4-9PM Pacific time. if you want to join in, send me a message and I would gladly invite to the party when I start it. send to my GT: Pvt Fr3nchy
    From the creator
    This is my first map submitted to forgehub. I dont Consider myself a expert in forging, but more of an amateur forger considering I've only forged for about a year. I just wanted to make a fun, competitive, big team map with plenty of air battles, , a cool "Stargate" type teleporter to help speed up on foot/land travel for heated on foot firefights. please provide constructive feedback, as a 'young' forger i'd love to have my first real map be fun to play on!

    48 hours ago, Covenant forces landed at an undisclosed island, gathered troops and began attacking an adjacent ONI Hangar facility containing Many weapons, munitions, vehicles and ONI intel. Despite the facility's tight security, it fell to the advanced covenant infiltration force Yesterday at 0400Hours. A Jammer was placed within the the island, once it is disabled we will be able to dispatch falcons, warthogs and a scorpions to the ex-covenant installment. then head towards the slip-space gateway power down the shield generators generators, and proceed to steal the Nav core. Retaking control of the Hangar is a top priority, If it remains in covenant control for much longer the covenant will manage to activate the nav-core and the gate will deploy an advanced invasion force and will be practically unstoppable.

    Plays great with 2 teams, any more teams or FFA have odd spawning.recommended to play on these gametypes: team slayer(use Big team Battle), Team headhunter(use Bug Team Headhunter), and invasion(use Invasion:Spartan offense). I have custom gemtypes for most of these in the same fileset as the map and are titled like "big team head hunter". Recommended for 6-16 players. but can play on a minimum of 4 players
    multiflag is compatable but doesn't play very well yet, drags on for long stale mates.
    Stockpile has been tested once and showed little red vs blue interaction.
    Team headhunter is a blast to play(I recommend using my gametype big team headhunter) with a dropzone at each base.

    Hangar [Blue Base]
    Blue Base
    In the coliseum is blue base. at Blue base there are four banshees and four Falcons. Rocket and spartan laser spawns at each round bunker exit. A shotgun inside the bunker. two revenants spawn outside of the bunker exits. 2 health packs at the top bunker level. 2 sniper rifles and one fuelrod cannon facing the health packs. Two shade turrets at the entrance, each at opposit ends of the 'slipspace Gateway'. the slips-space gateway can transport land vehicles, people and heavy vehicles. in Invasion, the lower gateway is blocked by shield doors until phase 3, after the spartans power down the 'shield generators'.

    Gateway [Blue Base]

    Beach encampement [Red Base]
    Beach encampment [Red base]
    Red bas is located at the opposite side of the island. It has 2 landing pads that hold 4 Falcons. red team (Spartans in invasion) spawn mostly in shallow water at the beach. 4 warthogs (2 gauss 2 rocket) parked under the landing pads. A large mancannon in the center can be used to travel up the hill to a platform(colored red in newer version),there are health packs there, and a Grenade launcher a few feet in front of you on a pile of rocks to your left. beneath the mancannon, an 'opened dish' with 2 pads and some more Health packs, a rocket spawns by the center.the team Head hunter dropzone, flag, flag capture plate, stockpile drop zone, and core drop is here.

    The second gate way is opposite to red base, facing Blue hangar. it is shielded/blocked until phase three in invasion
    PS: thanks for the replies, I will be able to respond once I get back from school.
    #1 Pvt Fr3nchy, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  2. Detr1us

    Detr1us Forerunner

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    looks pretty decent, had any feedback yet? will DL and test it when I have a chance in the week. My 1st map is kind of along the similar lines. Though in my map the spartans have the blue base and the red base is right at the other end of the map. I will upload some screenshots for you to see what you think!
  3. Hypertion

    Hypertion Forerunner

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    love the design of the gates as they are in the pictures. i tryed playing with a map that uses a similar system to place the blue base in the coll and involved a trek across the entire map for the red team but i neve published it cuz i could never get a good feel on it. i may try again but i really want to see how your thing turns out! btw remember to set many Spawn locations for invaison for each stage in places that progress and allow fireteams to be on the scene faster than if using a back field^^

    ill DL and mess around tonight after classes^^

    amazing how people can have the same idea in some thing... the telegate+ the oneway teleporter are a aswm thing and remind me of stargate insomeways since we can have vechicles go throght. the one i made in that unreleased messaround had some issues if you drove a wraith into the collisuem due to a overside of the arch. ocaisonally you would die randomly as if you had been squished! i going to see if your thing has the same issue.

    one thing i can say right now tho is that you ought to put the 2 defense turrents in the base on level ground to help with their use. having them on small platfourms would do this perfectly.

    oh and you will need to cut down the number of Falcons. even at max number of players a total of 2 falcons can be fully occupied by each team. so about 2 falcons and 2 banshees per team would create good balance. also be careful with those airbornes and where the blue gate is. careless flyers will just runinto the teleporter field due to its position.

    OOH and its nice to meet someone else with the STARGATE knowlage^^ ive been a fan of the series since the origonal movie ><
    #3 Hypertion, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  4. Pvt Fr3nchy

    Pvt Fr3nchy Forerunner

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    Yeah in earlier builds of my map I had the same issue occurred frequently, it still may happen but its rare. Also, there is something weird that happens when you go the teleporter, on the other side your bumped to the left. I dont know why that happens, ti doesn't matter if both teleporters are lined up or not it still bumbs you to the left/right, It doesnt act as it should. It should act as you drive through it and your velocity is transfered and you fly out. BUT, it doesn't happen that way... must be something about the Teleporters' area.

    that could work, or I could increase the spawn time. In invasion, 2 falcons and 2 banshees at red base, during phase 2. one banshee spawns at blue base during phase 1, and more spawn gradually at phase 2 and 3. Also, I have the teleporters' set on "True" for land and heavy vehicles, but "False" for flying vehicles. so banshees and falcons fly through just fine and cant get teleported.

    also I will be on soon and ill try to get a party going on this map.

    Added after 5 Days 2 Hours:

    well thanks for the feedback guys, and the people who helped play test my map, but Over the past few days I have decided to completely remake the map from scratch, The structures, vehicles and most weapons at blue base 'hangar' are all done, and I am amazed on how much better it looks. Red Base, Red Outpost, is still in its conceptual phase. so I will link this thread to its successor when It is complete.
    #4 Pvt Fr3nchy, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2010
  5. Pvt Fr3nchy

    Pvt Fr3nchy Forerunner

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    Hey guys its been awhile, but Ive still be working on the map a bit, and have a complete remodel of the bases etc. it is nearly done, and looks far better.

    Some of my friends have been hosting big team custom lobbies playing my map, to my surprise and still play the old version and loved it.
    And so I've tried to incorporate the stuff that people loved in the other map, and introduce it in the new maps, new thread will announce it, as me and my close friends will have some playtesting of the new one this saturday. msg me if intersted
    Any other thoughts? Did I forget something?
  6. Therenownedpuppy

    Therenownedpuppy Promethean

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    Why too many vehicles. you should cut down on some. more like a lot
  7. UnfrozenLynx

    UnfrozenLynx Forerunner

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    Please stop going through incredibly old threads and necro-bumping them.

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