Twotara Diamonds

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RogueWolf, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    created by chrisFREER

    We're here today to settle an old argument.
    Which is better? Red or Blue?
    Here in Twotara someone has stolen someone's flags, I'm not going to point any fingers though. Lets just say old resentments have flared up and we're going to settle this once and for all. Here we have set up a nice, comfortable arena with two bases and a flag just outside of each.

    Winner takes all, loser...well they get a sticker and a pat on the back for trying.

    So whose side are you on?

    [jumpto=Red]Red[/jumpto] or [jumpto=Blue]Blue[/jumpto]

    or if you're just here for the view

    [aname=Red]THE REDS[/aname]

    Well this is it boys! Those namby-pamby mummy boys want a fight and dammit we'll bring it to them! They accuse us of stealing their flag? It was our flag that they stole, we were just returning it to it's rightful owners!
    In this arena today I don't want to see anyone backing out of a fight, you have no ammo? USE YOUR FISTS.
    We will make them rue the day they ever looked at our shiny red flag and thought "I'll have me some of that" and do you know how we'll do it? We will take their flag again and again until there is nothing left for them. Nothing. You hear me? NOTHING! I want to hear them crying.

    [aname=Blue]THE BLUES[/aname]


    Good day gentlemen, it seems that red was maybe a little miffed off when we took our flag back the other week. They laid down the gauntlet and now we're all in for a jolly good duel down at the Diamond Arena! Now I want this to be a nice clean fight, honour rules and all that. Then again, it is the reds, so I won't say anything if you decided to knock them for six! All we have to do is get more flags than them, you see? So I want us all to move up quickly and efficently, take their flag and bring it home. Again and again. Do try to stop them from even touching our flag.

    I do feel we're about to show them what for, so make me proud and make them pay!

    This is best for CTF but it'll play team slayer, 8 man game, 10 at a stretch.

    You'll find 2 ARs and 2 magnums at the entrance to your base, quick ammo refill before you enter the fray. Make sure you stockup before you head out as theres no going back home!
    On either side of the main chamber there is one DMR and one Needler per team
    In the centre of the access tunnel you'll find a shotgun, perfect for those tunnel runs!
    Then theres 2 plasma grenades per team above the tunnel entrance in each base.


    The exterior of each base
    That little triangular hole drops into the central corridor to the shotgun
    No son, its not black magic, each side has a grav lift straight into the action from the access tunnel! (mouse over)

    this is what your bases look like from the inside (red at least)!

    Thanks for lookng, hope you enjoy playing on it. Thanks to SynysterAndy and TeknoirAK for their help! And no you can't get to the armour abilities, they're just decorational.

    #1 RogueWolf, Jun 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  2. NinjaDeLaNoches

    NinjaDeLaNoches Forerunner

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    your story behind the map made me laugh! also the map looks very well forged and has good architecture.
  3. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thank you, I try to make it as interesting as possible, its always nice to know someone appreciates it.
    It's quite smooth, I built it around the core structure as a bridge like thing, then fleshed it out until it became this. It went through about 5 different designs before I was finally happy!

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