That looks like a lot of fun. Really good idea there. I am just wondering, can you get inside of those window panels? like behind them? whatever.. looks like a really well made map, nice work.
Well, my friend Scorpulus can for some reason lol. He's a weirdo with super powers. Only he is able to get through and kill like a mad man. But no one else really can so it's all k .
I really enjoyed this map. The fact that only 4 spawn points though i did not like since I played a 4 on 4 match first go, and 4 of us were outside xD added 3 more spawns in up there on each side. aside from that, this map get 4/5. only other thing i would have changed would have to separate the rooms. even by a little. well done
My god man! This is sniper training for the pros! There is no way in hell I could ever do anything on this map, haha. I fail epically at sniiping. But, on the upper hand, this looks well done and forged, kudos.
hehe yea it gets hectic sometimes lol. It was built to help with sniping anyways so no worries . And thanks .