Two Questions About Forging

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AgileDan92, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I have two questions that, when answered, will greatly assist me in the making of my new map.

    1. I can interlock very smoothly when two double boxes are on the same level. However, all I have is one ring of double boxes, and that is not an efficient way of keeping people in my map. It needs to be higher. Unfortunately, I do not know how to interlock smoothly or evenly enough to add another ring of double boxes on top of this. If anyone knows a technique I could use, it would really help.

    2. For my map, I also need to geomerge into Foundry's wall. Unfortunately, all I know is the door method which is only good for floors (at least to my knowledge), and do not understand the more complex way. So could someone please explain more simply how to geomerge into walls?

    Ironically enough, I just read the thread above me. I am going to re-post this there, so I don't really mind if this is locked.
  2. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    1. Simply place bridges at a vertical angle to line up the boxes properly.

    2. The door method should still work when geomerging into a wall.
  3. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    The door method works just fine, all you have to do is think of it like the floor, just flip everything around. surround it by fencewalls except the side that pushes into the walll, and if you are forgeing into the wall and ground at the sametime, you remove the top fencewall and put the doors there as well. pushing two ways into 1 direction,

    hopefully i was of help, the other methods hardly work for me, but I prob just screw something up, but the door method works 99.6% of the time
  4. Solo

    Solo Ancient
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    Answering question 1: To interlock a box perfecly on top of another, flip a double box on its side, then place the double box that you will be interlocking on top of that. Make sure you're lining the boxes up with walls, etc.

    As for #2: The door method is the fastest and easiest way to go. And I find if you're patient enough, the door method will crank out better results. :)
  5. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    The more complex way is also posted in forging 101 in the side bar of the Home page
  6. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    1. In the forge Q&A there is a section saying that a good way to interlock a perfect ring is to change the gametype to slayer and create a respawn area. You can alter the sizes of circular respawn areas and make one exactly the size of the ring you want to create.

    2. As far as I know the door method works fine for walls. The only difference from merging into the floor is that you must save/quit a door so it is sticking out of the side of the object oppisit to the side which you wish to push into the wall. Make sure to have a lot of immovable objects such as walls or boxes around the object wich will be merged in order to keep it under control.
    The more complex method you may be referring to, however, is simply to interlock an object with the one you want to geo merge and use that in place of a door.

    Hope that helps.
  7. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I found my problem in #2. I wasn't save/quitting the door. And for #1, I can get the boxes lined up fairly well, but how do I make sure the tops of the boxes are at the same height?
  8. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    A1 - You could make the double box vertical so it would be taller and you only have to merge it with the boxes next to it.

    A2 - use the door method and stack walls until you have to door where you want it
  9. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    1. interlock them while they are standing up, making then two storys ftw

    2. door method should work if u do right
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This question has been answered about 5 times now, please lock.

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