Two Halo 3 Machinimas

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Captain Forge, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
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    Hey guys,

    I've posted about a dozen or so machinimas on youtube, but only two of theme are even watchable. My other attempts where very crappy, and I didn't really spend a long time working on it. Once reach comes out, I will start a short series pertaining to soething new, that I don't think has ever been done before. Bellow are two of my machinimas:

    Halo: Free Spartans PART I
    Battle: Spartan Vs. Elite

    I'm also working on another Halo 3 machinima which I hope to have up n a week or two before school starts. It is very similar to the Aniken Vs. Obi-wan fight at the end of Star Wars: Episode III.

    All feedback on these two machinimas would be appreciated :)
  2. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Uhh...I only watched the first one.. I don't even really want to watch the second one..

    Plenty of things wrong with these..Not trying to troll, just nothing things

    1: Noise.

    The different recordings from each person is very varied...the "CHCHECHHCCECCECEHHwhatCEHCEhappendCHECEHHCEHHEC" Sounds like major ****. Download Audiacity or some program that removes the noise

    Another thing, Try not to breath into the microphone.

    2: Acting.

    You and your actors are reading straight from the script. That makes the words sound choppy and makes it sound bad. Memorize the script, and improv.

    3: Movements.

    I could tell you were the only person moving the characters, and you were were bumping into the green guy expecially.

    Another thing I spotted at the very beginning, the green guy walks completely to the wall, stops, turns around and walks again. If you were walking, you wouldn't walk completely into a wall, then turn around. You need to make the movements more "Realistic"

    4: Voice actors.

    Get more, never have the same person play two people

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