im thinking that we should be able to use our twiiter pictures as gamerpics when it comes out on xbox so avatar clothing replaces gamerpics etc. and of course my twiiter goes by the name of pluginfiend
See at first I thought twitter was retarded because i'm thinking whos naive enough to think others actually care about what your status is? then after awhile I realized following prominent political figures is kind of cool. i'm debating on getting one.
Facebook is fine for me. I use twitter, but Facebook does pretty much everything Twitter does. But all the motherBLAMing quizzes on Facebook need to go hump a dishwasher. EDIT: btw, almost forgot, OhNoez's Twitter.
Heh. That's why I resisted it a bit. I then broke down and made one so my family could keep up with what I'm doing. That's all I use it for because I know no one other than them care what I'm doing. this isn't my personal one. this is my tech/gaming one. i'll help out with computers, iPods, xbox, etc. and keep you updated on some new things i've learned to do (mostly hacking things)
Sceptical. And I really don't like twitter. It's stupid, and why anyone cares about what people are doing every minute idk.