Twister Twister is a small Foundry racetrack with sharp turns and banks. To play, all you need is the map, some friends, and any VIP gametype where you earn points for reaching the destination. The start of the track, with the mongooses and starting points. The entrance to the main area of the race track. The first turn. The second turn. Turn 3. Fence Wall turn (turn 4); If you haven't noticed the pattern, Turn 5. The end of the track, with a V.I.P. destination on the fence wall ramp. You can tell that i was getting lazy and not interlocking anymore. The Map.
i joined your game when you were working on this, and i like it, but it seems very short. 4/5 nice clean interlocking used in it, and i like the first little U area
aright down to bissnes (however thats spelled?!?!) try to lengthen and neaten up this course it looks like its pretty sloppy, and its not entirely needed to block teh map off like that,it limits the course throw in a banked turn or two and youll have a pretty run of the mill foundry racing map
Some of the turns look like they have some very very disruptive bumps. It's ok that you got lazy, everyone does it, but that shouldn't stop you from interlocking. Just stop, leave for a bit and come back later to finish it smoothly. One touch (either on purpose or accidental) that I found extremely aesthetically pleasing (and kind of funny) is the way that in the 3rd and 4th pictures, there are skid marks on the floor of Foundry leading into the turns. I laughed when I saw that! Anyways I guess you just got lucky because later you can see them criss-crossing the track whichever way...
Ah, finally posted. Even though you are my friend, I have to tell you the truth: This map is not very well made (sorry). You need to clean up the turns to make them easier for people and interlock the walls and the turns and curves better. Then you need to create a cheat-proof scoring system (one that will not allow people to just walk up to the end line instead of having to drive through it. The track itself is nice and well though-out, but you must make it cleaner and easier to drive on. Thats all, and sorry for the hard truth.