Twisted [COLOR=#0290ce"][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"]Forged in the depths of hell, if you win the gates of heaven are opened to you if you lose you will be forced into hell.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"][/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#0290ce"]Screenshots. The spawn first straightaway leading to hill The hill first turn First turn continued/first overbank/second turn second over bank slope leading to finish line finish line last turn Weapons needler and sticky Shotty Tripmine flame nade Beam rifle and a spike nade ar and a frag a br frag and spike Action shots lazord! Fail! Owned Gametypes Battle tracks battle Snipes Battle Lazers Race Way Twisted
Fairly well forged, although what you are trying to achieve is not what I play on this map. This is more an amateur casual map, and weapons do not quite work well.
This is a battle track and these are the weapons i've seen on other maps by flair , dream and slik so i put them on and if you use raceway i don't think they will be on map i know the gametype i use dosen't have them on map
Spam much Anyhow the track is pretty fun. I just checked it out. You can cheat the goal point on both sides. You should have used four portals, three is not enough. The only real complaint I have is the starting spawn is very confusing. I actually could not figure out which way to go at first. You might have been better off facing the mongoose in that general direction, or putting them in that other corner. Other than that, it was a nice foundry track. It needs some minor improvements. 4/5