Twisted Tired of single player puzzles? Download Twisted Download Coop Description: Are you and your friend tired of campaign but want to play something cooperative? I have a solution for you. Featuring my newseries of coop puzzle maps. Here is my first... Start 1st Puzzle Overview 2nd Puzzle Overview 3rd Puzzle Overview Final Puzzle Overview There is a hidden BR on this level. message me if you find it. Here are the download links again. Download Twisted Download Coop Happy puzzling -xRedNormandyx
might want to show us what teh inside looks like to see if its worth playing but i like the two player puzzle map idea
I thinl hints would ruin it. it is a fairly easy map. hidden teleporters are the only hard part and that is easy
lol, cant beat it i bet =P jk. I tried making a map like this, but gave up because i nvr knew this site and had no friends to play it =(. Hope its fun! need somethin to do, so u got my dl
O noes my idea!!!! I was biulding one of these to but my partner is really slow lol we have some really cool ideas too. I hope I'm done soon! Good job beeting me to this!
wow this is a cool map but i didn't know there were teles i was thinking how do you get from there to there with out teles then i read and found