a remake of my old ctf map from halo 3. nice, small FFA map fit for 8 players made by Cheiyijei. updated the blue base so now its alot bigger and more detail to red base. hope you enjoy and thanks for your feedback red side sniper pocket belt path back vents blue side
What's this a remake of? I can't tell from the pics and there's no description. Still it looks pretty good. You have my dl. Yea 50 post! : ) Sorry I just saw that tiny little description above the first picture....lol
I managed to get a game on this and it played very well. I think the aesthetics could be improved a bit, but other than that, great map!
Ive updated the blue base so now its bigger and better fit for ctf. thank for your feedback and feel free to check out my other work
Well, it looks alot cleaner and less Z-Fighting, than before. Good job, it is way better than the older map.