UPDATED: Twist V3.3 TWIST v3.3 Created by A jacal -------- UPDATED VERSION!: You all asked for another version, so, here you are! Twist Version 3.3 is now released, with slight changes to the walkways, more grav lifts, and a new Laser room. V.3.3 also updates the Oddball placement. -------- Twist V3 is a Slayer type of map with heaps of walkways, to all different types of locations on the map. Twist has gone through a lot of versions, that were good, and not so good. But, V3.3 is now out, and it is better than ever. This map only has some interlocking in it. I made this map just when the Heroic Map Pack came out, so I did not know how to interlock objects. EDIT: There is more interlocking now, since I updated it. SUPPORTED GAMETYPES: Slayer (Of any sort) 4 to ? Players. Who knows? Oddball Thats all the gametypes supported so far. Here's Some Pics: *Version 3.0* Overview 1 *Version 3.0* Overview 2 *Version 3.0* Overview 3 *Version 3.0* Overview 4 *Version 3.0* Overview 5 *NEW PIC!* Laser Room Outside *NEW PIC!* Grav Lift Up to Laser Room *NEW PIC!* Laser Room Inside *NEW PIC!* The New Grav Lifts (Instead of the Bridges) *NEW PIC!* Shotgun Spawn (Its Been Re-Done) *NEW PIC!* New Walkway Up to Shotgun Spawn *Version 3.0* Random Action Shots... ----------------- Any constructive criticism to how I can make this map better accepted, but please, no flaming. ----------------- DOWNLOAD MAP HERE (Version 3.3) --- The1ToFear
Good job, i must say this looks like a very good map that doesent use interlocking or geomerging, but next time please try to use thoughs. i like the layout maybe u should make a version 2 that has interlocking and merging to make the quality better. i no ur new and just learn how to do thoes things and you will be in great shape! Yea so u made this a long time ago i see.. well now i understand y it has no inter locking, but take my advise and make a V2 first post =)
Don't you mean V3.2... or V4? Anyways, yes, I will make another version when I get around to it, with geomerging and interlocking.
Yes i do meen V4 i didnt really look at the version part i only really saw tha name... my bad, and good job ican say right now if this map was interlocked it would look alot better!!
Yea... this map isn't all for looks, its more for gameplay. But, as I said, I will make another version soon.
In your next post add captions to your pics and weapons, equipment, ect list. The map itself is preety good for a non interlocking, there a few bumps on the bridges but who really cares. I would definatly suggest making a V2 or V4 or whatever. I like the unique layout. Keep on forgin'.
Wow! This looks really good even without interlocking and geomerging. I think that gameplay would be fun! I won't download because I ran out of space on my memory. 4/5 though!
the funny thing about this map is that its really organized and geometric without the use of interlocking or geomerging. like, i didn't even notice it didn't have interlocking until i saw the map description. very smooth and very stylish, if i were you i would enter this in the next lazy map maker competition.
The Lazy Mapmaker's contest was a forge contest presented by Tex. Basically it was for entries with the best map with no interlocking, merging or other advanced forge techniques. It was to show that aesthetics weren't necessary for a great map. To my knowledge they no longer hold the Lazy Mapmaker's contest.
Now since you are a fairly new member here I'm sure you aren't familiar with all the rules. But what is not allowed is to double post, and also to post a comment just to bump your map. Just give it time, people will see your thread and post a comment, patience is a virtue especially when waiting for map comments as a new member. But its ok, just don't bump your thread up, people will comment. And a double post, although self explanatory I'll take the liberty to explain, is two consecutive posts by the same user in a thread. Just don't do those two common mistakes and you should be fine. As for your map, I've read your description and yes it is in my qued list I just haven't had time to play on it. But I will come back, comment and post my thoughts on it. Best of luck to you with your maps.
Preeeeeety good map could be better like evrybody said needs more interlocking but its ok KEEP ON FORGIN
Yeah, okay. I'm new, so, I wasn't aware of all the rules. Thanks for saying, though. And - thanks for downloading!