Twins (Guardian)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Umup0, Aug 9, 2008.

  1. Umup0

    Umup0 Ancient
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    This is my competetive map for Guardian. It is good for KOTH, Slayer and Assault (not neutral). Team Crazy King and Multi Bomb would probably work best. The reason it is called Twins is that the two hills are the centre ring and the Gravity Hammer Spawn, which are both circular. It has:

    1 Gravity Lift
    2 Regenerators
    1 Bubble Shield
    4 Power Drainers
    1 Flare
    2 Deployable Covers
    1 Radar Jammer
    2 Trip Mines
    1 Battle Rifle
    1 Sniper Rifle
    2 SMGs
    2 Plasma Rifles
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Carbine
    1 Flamethrower
    1 Sentinel Beam
    1 Needler
    1 Brute Shot
    1 Spartan Laser
    8 Maulers
    1 Fuel Rod Gun
    1 Beam Rifle
    4 Plasma Turrets
    2 Machine Gun Turrets
    2 of each type of grenade
    2 Active Camos
    1 Overshield


    2 Mongooses


    The attackers have a small armoury at their disposal which includes the flamethrower and the grav lift.


    The first hill has a large stockpile of weapons and equipment...


    ... whereas the second has next to none.


    Your team should defend you while you are on the hill by using these turrets.


    If you are an attacker, it would be best to pick up the Fuel Rod Gun at the start, because after 20 seconds the Power Cores appear (as well as the plasma batteries).


    The Grav Lift will lead you to the sniping post or the 4th Plasma Turret




    These are the bomb spawn and plant points.

    Some of the weapons are hidden (not much though), so don't expect to find the Beam Rifle or Spartan Laser immediately.

    This map may not have fancy interlocking or extra rooms, but it is still fun to play.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Download Map
    #1 Umup0, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    i like maps on gaurdian, and this is a good one. i love the gameplay. good job. 5/5
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    It looks pretty neat, but not very competitive. If you want to make it more competitive focus more on competitive weapons. I suggest BRs, a couple pistols, plasma rifles, carbines, maulers, regens, and frags.
  4. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    nice idea, big hill in the middle, to flat out dominate, i think there too many exploding objects though, can you say lag?
  5. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i like the middle hill it look like it would be really fun. good job.
  6. Jester

    Jester Ancient
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    I always enjoy forging on and seeing maps made on the first-generation maps. IMO making fun, competitive maps on Guardian, or Snowbound, or Isolation takes more skill than, say, making maps on Foundry. Having to adapt the existing map to your plan rather than building new terrain specifically designed for your vision takes a certain finesse and skill.

    I do like what you have done here, but I would like to make a few suggestions.
    1) Armories generally have a negative impact on the playability of maps, regardless how small they are. Centralizing weaponry leads to new movement patterns and excludes many opportunities at placing weapons aesthetically and strategically. I would suggest ditching the armory.
    2) The central platform of Guardian is hell for KOTH or Assault. I would suggest scattering the territories/hills to new, unconventional areas, such as the hollow tree, or the shotgun (or in your version, fuel rod) hallway. This adds a bit more zaz and originality to the gameplay.
    3) Lastly, the maps seems to be a tad lacking in scenery. Guardian has tons of cool scenery to play with. Add barriers for cover, use crates to turn the central platform into a maze, add grav-lifts and floating platforms to add new routes, block off doorways with pallets! The only limit is your imagination.

    I would be happy to provide any more assistance if you require it. Just message me. My GT is in my signature.
  7. Umup0

    Umup0 Ancient
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    Thanks for the tips everyone, especially you jester, because now I remember that I also have a good map on Isolation.

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