[img width=800 height=450]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii59/Alex_22_xx/11274342-Full.jpg[/img] ;D Hello im AlExThEgReAt22 the creator of this and many more amazing maps, and im here to praudly present you my Map Twin Towers. My Other Maps: Harbor A22(Floating Scenary) Trenchers(CTF Beach War) [img width=800 height=450]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii59/Alex_22_xx/11274789-Full.jpg[/img] Twin Towers: Well in this map your team starts at a side of the two tall buildings in ¨The Pit¨, the only difference is that in this map, you are one level above the normal map, exlent for sniping becouse you can see the other building snipers from your tower. There is a teleporter that sends to the middle of the map where you will find another teleporter that send you to the others team tower(and viceversa). Once you get to the others team tower, you will find another teleporter that will send you to the sniping tower(the part that is outisde of the map), there you will find your objective ethier your playing CTF, or Asault,etc. Here are the game mods compatible with this map: -Slayer(Team Slayer)Nice for Shotty Snipers -CTF -Oddball -VIP -Juggernaut -Territories -Assault -Infection I can guarantee you, ur gonna have lots of fun. Here are some pics [img width=800 height=450]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii59/Alex_22_xx/11275976-Full.jpg[/img] PICS: Right Sniping Area Right Tower Right Tower Outside View Epicenter Left Sniping Aera Left Tower Lft Tower Outside View TWIN TOWERS was made by AlExThEgReAt22 ILL APPRICIATE IF COMMENT AND FEEDBACK. THANKS FOR YOUR TIME.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Great map, TERRIBLE name. Two towers maybe? Lord of the Rings is much less offensive.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 lol yeah definately a cool map, but the name reminded me of 9/11...
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Dude this is not a memorial. A statue is a memorial. A game where you shoot each other is not a memorial. Map looks good though!
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 i'm going to have to agree with the name change, but i'm DLn the map.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Eh, I have seen a lot of these types of maps.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 I agree with Clink, use two towers, twin towerrs is alittle offensive to some.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 The map looks good, but a name change would really be nice
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Oh you so did not just spell my name with a C. *snaps fingers in Z formation* Anyways, this map looks nice, but I still need to try it.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 ok sorry for the name.... its too late to change the name it alrady has 1035 DL So i just gonna name it, Duo Structure...lol
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 question how did you manage to get up into the very top of the building?? i cant seem to get up there and i wanted to use that area for my map...a lil help please?? but other than that map was funn ^_^
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Simply spawn a teleporter node up there...
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 That map looks cool, i made something similar but yours looks better lol ;D
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 This has already been done, sorry to say, I have it already in my custom games. I have to agree with the name change though -Donuts
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 I have to disagree about the name change. Leave it, its just a videogame. Who cares if people want to let something that has nothing to do with 9/11 offend them. Political correct-ness is screwing up our society, imho. But.... Yea a lot of people already did this idea a long time ago. And you should probably change the name anyways cuz you will still get flamed.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 Okay I've had this map for like a month, and was gonna comment on it, but it got lost in all the other stuff. Anyways, it was pretty fun for most gametypes, but it was horrible for zombies! The teleporters make it easy for the zombies to camp and get free kills. Also, the humans are slit into two groups. In general its a fun map, just not for zombies.
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 haha... thanks then Twin Towers it is.