This is my new map Twin Towers it supportes Multi flag,Team slayer,slayer. It is a medium multi level map. Weapons: 2xsnipers 2xshotguns 2xplasma pistols 2xgrenade launchers 2xconcusion rifles 1xspartan laser 1xrocket launcher 4xDMRs 1xneedler Vehicles: 2xwarthogs
Put the pics in you actual post and those picture look too small , also make the picturesshow up on this page without a link... serch in the serch bar on how to upload pics.
That's not how you post pictures... try this:
I wouldn't say the name is offensive. If it were named World Trade Center, and the towers were in ruin, that would be offensive. Twin Towers simply states very plainly that the map contains two identical towers. At the same time, it should not be taken lightly, and I would suggest to the OP that the map not be set up for Assault.