Download Twin Forts Download CTF! (variant i made for this map) Overview This map is the first map i've made. There's only one type of switch in this map, which is a dumpster cannon. The cannons are powered by two man cannons each which make the dumpsters shoot out faster and more accurate. To shoot out a dumpster from the cannon, you get on top of the base and stand on the custom power-up. This map is recommended for 6-8 players. The gametypes I would suggest for this map are CTF and Team Slayer. Most other gametypes wouldn't be supported by this map. Yes, i know there's quite to many power weapons. But i'll be sure to make my future maps way better. Like they say, you learn from your mistakes Weapons List Battle Rifle x4 Shotgun x4 Sniper Rifle x4 SMG x4 Spiker x4 Plasma Rifle x2 Brute Shot x2 Rocket Launcher x2 Spartan Laser x2 Energy Sword x2 Gravity Hammer x2 Carbine x2 Mauler x4 Bean Rifle x2 Sentinel Beam x2 Frag Grenade x8 Plasma Grenade x16 Spike Grenade x4 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drain x2 Trip Mine x2 Regenerator x2 Radar Jammer x2 Vehicles Warthog x2 Mongoose x2 Screenshots Blue Base (Front View) Red Base (Front View) Inside Blue Base Inside Red Base Flag Stolen!? O_O Not For long ;D (getting custom power up to fire cannon) Owned
I'm super sick of this... they post just the link or sometimes not even it, and say *I'll post the rest later or tommarow* Why the hell even post if your not gunna do it right or even follow the rules?! Get to forgehub standards or it will be locked up for forever! mwhuaa haha but seriosly this is annoying >:[
When you get back- Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial: First, go to to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this: Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to. Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this: Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file. Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this: Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that helps you out. Any questions, PM me To find the rest of the important rules here, click this link. You have 24 hours to fix this thread, or it will be locked. No one else post about it not being up to standards, or a mod will be contacted. Thank you.
Yeah, i read the rules. I didn't see both of your posts till i finished get the edited stuffs right xD
The bases look really well made but it looks like it would be pretty difficult to get any caps seeing as both bases have 3 turrets and there is no cover leading up to them.
great looking map and it looks realy good fun 8/10 origionality at its best and you also have alot of weponds and vehcils ... i never have any cash for them...
@Trifslap: thanks. And yeah, but maybe the power weapons could make up for that xD @ED360: Thanks. Nowadays i don't really like using too many weapons. Cause it could end up making the game unfair.
this looks very fun. the big wall though looks a little sloppy. i really like the cannon ive never seen that idea before but it is a great map.
@J Red: it goes just about all the way to where the rocket, hammer, and splaser are. And thanks @Kevin: Yeah, the wall is sloppy, i'll probably fix it later. thanks