Okay, I need a tv for machinima (with output ports) but I cant find one? Can you guys help me out (links etc)? Preferebly within the two digit price range, CRT or LCD i don't mind. Thanks!
Let me stop you there, it seems like you're going down the wrong path. The fact that you're looking for a TV within the "2 digit price range" gives me the impression you're not sure what you're doing. An LCD TV for that price? Its not going to happen. You don't need a TV with TV-out. If you get video splitters then you can have one video cable for your TV and one going to your capture card. Or, the Xbox 360 S-Video/Composite cable has 2 video cables. When I record I plug the S-Video cable in to my capture card and the Composite (the yellow cable) in to the TV because S-Video is a bit better than composite (but still sucks compared to VGA or HD)
Thanks for the info. I have an Easycap 9.0 video capture device and a CRT (SD) television with one scart socket. If I obtain a video splitter, will this be enough (forgetting the quality for a second)?
thanks! by the way, have any of you got any suggestions of what splitter to buy? if so would link to it be possible?