This thread is for users that are looking to sumbit or to find some good tutorials. To sumbit, just reply to the thread with the url, or picture of the tutorial, the tutorial doesn't have to be yours. To find, the tutorials are lower, and in orange, just click on them and you'll be sent to the link of the tutorial its self. Tutorials:- Warfang: Clipping Mask - Werm Tutorial - Icecikle: Framing Hanley - Icecikle: Clipping Mask Sig - Icecikle: ON Flames - Icecikle: Cloud Dancers - Laxer: Discharge Tutorial
You should know you post the Tutorials you need to have permission from the maker of the tut before you can post it.. Werm Tutorial. Spoiler
Uhm... you post the link? That's like asking them if you can visit their tutorial.. why would I do that?
*sigh* It's been done before guys. *Looks in the Universal Resources thread* Submit them there and I'll edit the original post to include them.
It's already been done, that's the point. We could merge them, but usually making the same topic is frowned upon. I guess you can add the tuts from mine and fix up your first post a bit so you can have a bit of order. Just keep it clean like what I had.