I was playing Living dead yesterday and got matched up with this guy, thne I watched teh film in theatre and found this. Thought it was pretty funny. What do you think? [/URL]
HAHAHAHA! Thats pretty good and funny, I have a turtlecon me too, I won't show it here, because some mods freak out...
Oh, wow, that is good. Nice shot, there? Incidentally, what hit him hard enough to compress the model like that?
Well, it was braaiiinsss, and me and him was on the roof of infected manor. I noticed an invisable zombie jumping up the front of teh house, but he, unfortuanetly did not. The invis zombie slashed, and killed him, sending him hurtling off the roof. When I watched it in theatre, i paused it just as he hit the floor, and this, this is the result.