Has anyone played this game? A lot of people said it was awesome, but it just got average reviews. What do you guys think about it?
I had it, it was ok, the multiplayer was ok too, its just taht aiming felt weird for me, like its hard to keep steady on an enemy idk. maybe that was just me. story was preety cool, and fighting the T-rex was fun. but killing dinosaurs got kinda repetetive, and didnt hold much of a challenge when your wielding a knife because all you have to do is press R at the right moment and you get an instant kill, not much of a challenge there. Id prolly rent it if i were you, that way you can try it out for cheap. or download the demo on xbox live.
there is no aim assist in that game so that's why the aiming felt weird compared to Halo or COD4 because those games had a little aim assist(also called sticky aim by pros because it can mess you up if you are really good)
oh, well that makes sence then haha. Didnt notice that till just now. From multiplayer, I find it funny how people like to run each others with there knifes trying to stab each other, but end up just stabbing air because they didnt press R trigger at the right time, looks cool though when you manage to actually pull it off before your enemies.
Well okay, I tried the demo. Edgar, you're right, the aiming is a bit weird. And you have to pump like, two whole clips into a dude if you don't get a headshot. The knifing is cool, but really, it would get old. I don't really rent games, but I probably won't buy it. Still kinda cool though.