
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Re Amplify, Oct 4, 2008.


Should I make this MLG or keep it Normal?

  1. Make MLG

  2. Keep Normal

  1. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Looks good. Gameplay is very fun and the aesthetics are cooool. Almost all things in your map are either interlocked or geo-merged. Also looks like one hell of a FFA map and I like FFA Maps. Great job and you've just earned a download from me :)
  2. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    Haha whatever you call it, I think its an arch and I must've forgotten a picture of it ^_^
    Oh well...
  3. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    I also like this part of the map, the staircase like structure is my fav. I also agree with the rating and comment.
    #23 SilentStrike082, Oct 23, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  4. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    The geomerging in this map has to be one of the best geomerged maps ever. You had to geomerge at least 100 objects. I have never seen a map as good as this. Granted, I am new to forge hub but I have seen a lot of maps and this is definitly the best i've seen. You have definitly a download from me and this is definitly a 5/5 for me in everyway possible.
  5. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW, WOW, WOW. Defiantly the best post I have ever had for this map. You may have just made this map stay alive and not die down. I am definatly going to make a v2 and may take some structures out.
  6. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Alright, I would normally play your map or do a forge-through but my Halo 3 disc is broken so I'll go from your post. I just got the RRoD and when I got my box back my Halo said "failed to load content". Seriously WTF?!?! Enough of my agonies, on to the map.

    Aesthetics: Your map is aesthetically beautiful. The interlocking and geomerging are flawless and add greatly to the beauty of your map.In the first picture, your geomerging skills are shown by the double box that is halfway into the ground. It looks straight and well done. Also, the design of that structure is amazing and very original. The upside-down sign in the box looks good as does the wall that is at an angle.I also like how you have the double boxes that raise up in to the air. They look a lot better then just leaving the platform level. In the second picture, the structure is small but nicely made. The teleporter lights around the wall mounted rocket looks great. Another feature that stood out to me was the single boxes interlocked that look like a staircase. They are a nice looking feature for housing the flag. The geomerged bridge that is about half in the ground also looks impressive. You also used the staircase interlocked with a bridge feature that was used in maps like Bayonetwork. That looks great and the interlocked powerups add a nice touch. The last pivture also looks very good. The structures you can see are beautiful and the bridge is interlocked smoothly with the two sections it connects. Overall, the aesthetics of the map are very clean, well done, and origional.

    Gameplay: From what I can see, the map looks like it could play very well. There are a variety of weapons and equipment that seem to all balance each other out. The only thing is the rockets. I understand how they fit with the gameplay but I believe that rockets are just too overpowering. The layout of your map also looks interesting and it appears to flow very well from one part to another. There are no open places and no real overly powerful places. The flag spawn points also seem to be set in good places and the bases that house them are not impenetrable like some maps but not impossible to defend like others. Everything about the map seems to work really well with the gameplay as well as keeping the map aesthetic. I like how there are some more direct routes that are less safe and some more indirect but safer routes to the opponents flag. Overall, the map seems to be balanced and well configured for gameplay.

    Overall: To sumarize your map it looks very clean and well layed out. The distinguishing featues to me were the first picture which looked brilliant and also the overall llayout. the map looks like it flows really nicely and there aren't over or under powered spaces. The map is very well done and I praise you for the time and effort that you spent creating this map. Great job on your map.
  7. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    Thanks for the detailed reply, I'm not sure what I should do for v2 yet because Im to busy thinking about the other map I am already constructing so if anyone has ideas for v2 please share.
  8. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Nice map, I like it. The layout is cool, the merging is beautiful, and you used a lot of simple features that end up in the map being spectacular. Overall, I give you a 9.5/10, and a SYE (simple yet effective)
  9. ShaggyxChipmunk

    ShaggyxChipmunk Ancient
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    looks really nice..great flow 4.5/5
  10. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, v2 will be up in hopefully about a week, Im hoping to get more testing games in and tweek some things here and there.
  11. CasuallyCasual

    CasuallyCasual Ancient
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    Looks smooth and fun for flag... qued for download.
  12. Pacific State7

    Pacific State7 Ancient
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    I really like this map. Good job on the base structures, they are very neatly interlocked and geomerged looks fantastic.
  13. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why are you posting the same comment twice on my two maps?
    At least its a good post I guess...

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