[size=+3]TURF[/size] [size=+1]No, it's not a remake of the Halo 2 map...[/size] Download Turf: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Name: Turf Author: breitzen Map Layout: 2 Base Map Variations: Any Game Types: TS, CTF, KotH, Oddball, FFA Weapons: 2 snipers, 1 shotgun, 1 sword, 1 rocket launcher, 2 carbines, 4 battle rifles, 4 assault rifles, 2 maulers, 2 plasma rifles, 2 plasma pistols, 4 spiker rifles, 1 flamethrower, 2 turrets Equipment: 1 bubble shield, 2 regenerator, 1 power drain, 1 trip mine, 2 gravity lifts Power Ups: 1 overshield, 1 active camo Turf is a big symmetrical map which consists of two bases, that line the outer edges of the map, and a central structure that brings them together. This map is meant to have vehicles, it has much more potential with them on. So it might seem a little slow in an MLG game. But not to worry, Turf has many shortcuts that makes getting from one base to the other a snap. Player movement is key on this map. With multiple levels and lots of cover, players have to be quick and know the best path to their target. Man Cannons are a quick way to get across the top level, while two teleporters are tucked away in the corners those on the ground. Be careful of falling down into the middle. There are lots of grenades above and it really is a death pit. On this map, the sword may not be worth the trouble... literally... Quick Tip: There are lots of weapons and equipment on this map. Be careful when choosing your weapon combos.
The map itself looks great. It's well constructed and neatly forged. However, the weapon set does not meet MLG standards. Even though I don't play MLG, I know that the strongest weapon is supposed to be a mauler... you have swords and rockets... Also, I believe they also prohibit grav lifts too... so this map fits more under a competitive map than a MLG map. 4/5.
It's true that I don't have the weapon set quite right for MLG. But in playtests I've found that the sword is really well-balanced and doesn't get over used. The lower middle area doesn't get used much in Slayer matches and people have tended to stay away from it in general. It's just to easy to get naded the heck out of. But thanks for the comment!
Mods, please move this to the competitive map section. He did not meet the standards of MLG maps. Dude, it is soooooo far away from an MLG map. The MLG weapons are the BR, Mauler, Sniper, Rocket, Plasma Pistol and the Carbine. MLG does not use any equipment. Some interlocking and merging would be nice too.
Since this was moved to the competitive section i've done a little editing and created an MLG version. For those of yo who care.
Ouch, not even one star. I think I'm going to listen to the community and NOT download this one. Sorry