Turf V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by KingSniper 10x, Jul 4, 2008.


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  1. KingSniper 10x

    KingSniper 10x Ancient
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    Map Title:Turf V2
    note: This is the update. i went in and deleted a couple objects and made more spawn nodes so you dont keep spawning in the same place all the time sadly i couldent get rid of the grave lift :( sorry you just got to live with it.

    "Spartans Never Die"/This is a city type map based off of the halo 2 map called "Turf". On the account we had to use the money glitch to make the map we ran out of room and could not delete any thing so this map can only be played with slare, team slayer, Infection, and capter the flag. you can go on ahead and change what you want on the map to make it use able for what ever you want to play on it. also instead of a scarab we replaced it with a dam and added new features like roof cape ability and a sewer to fight in so please have fun.

    Download Map

    Description:The weapon layout on the main field is still the same exsept a little tweaks and because of the new features. also the doors to the garage had to be ripped down to finish the map so sorry about that. Also theres a sewer and 2 hidden weapons on map; the fule rode gun and the hammer. so have fun looking for them as you play and a funny feature theres an easter egg the soccer ball in a random place. This map was made by "KingSniper 10x" and my friend "DamienCrow666".​

    The Back Allys
    The back alleys and some places you can get to for the new features.

    The Streets, Truck, Weapons, And Wart Hog
    The remade trucks the original warthog place and weapon spawns.

    The Garage
    Sorry the garage doors had to be ripped off to complete map and its not the original lay out because of stairs also theres an office added on as a new feature.

    The Med Tent
    The Original spot for the med tent but new weapon lay out in side also had to change barriers on the map on the account that they don't give you any of the old ones on this map.

    A Building and over shield
    A new building feature were if you find the teleporter you can get the over shield.

    The Damn, Sword, And new map layout
    New layout to field and weapon sceam.

    Water With Grave Lift
    I used the shield doors for the Water like most people do on this level and i tried taking this picture so that you would now exactly where the grave lift is so you can use it to your advantage.

    I'm sorry but i ran out of room for pictures and will have to add more on next update. showing the sewers.​

    P.S.the invisibility is in there.
    #1 KingSniper 10x, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2008
    jedi eli likes this.
  2. thecheez

    thecheez Ancient
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    Please don't rate your own maps. Apart from that though it looks like a pretty good map. I can't see any asthetic problems. I didn't have the greatest time on turf but the features that you added could help it flow a little bit better. I'll edit my post with more advice after I DL.
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I really like this map. It has a very original feel to it. The med tent looks so cool and I love the damn. Very nice remake. 5/5 and a DL from me.
  4. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    it is spelled "dam"...not "damn"...but other then that this looks like an excellent remake of turf...i would download but i got no more space on my harddrive
  5. Rhys J Mitchell

    Rhys J Mitchell Ancient
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    Despite you being possibly the worst speller ever, this looks like a very good map.

    And there's nothing wrong with rating your own maps to get them noticed.
  6. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    That looks almost exactly like the real thing! 5/5 +Rep and a DL. U rock!
  7. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    This map looks like a very good remake of Turf with new weapons and map layout that might make the game run smoother. Good job!
  8. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Welcome to forehub. Its a very nice remake of Turf but for next time, interlcking and geoglitching could make your map better.
  9. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I think you should try to do a regular remake, instead of adding new stuff, I know you don't have much room, but it was looking good from the pics.

    To be honest, I don't really like the new things you added, the warehouse placement was okay though.
  10. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
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    Well its a good map, although it was remade to nicely, I already see a really easy way out of the map...
  11. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
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    seen extremely simular ones but this is the best one yet
  12. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    This is the best Turf remake up to date. Great Job. I would have preferred if the map was a little more faithful though. 5/5 and DL.
  13. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    This is the biggest remake of Turf I've ever seen since all the previous ones are condensed due to the size of foundry, I really want to see the sewer before I download but so far I like it. I have some issues with it though, it looks like you could get on top of the wall in the 4th picture and on top the buildings in the ally in the 1st picture with grenade or Brute Shot jump.
  14. i love turf im downloading this no matter how bad it is im not saying its bad this is good but if it was i would still download
  15. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    nice map, i loved that level. if only the superbounce was still there...9/10
  16. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    i dont remember exactly what turf was, but i know there was no water. but i like the new additions, making it flow better, and it just looks cool. nice job on this. 4/5.
  17. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
    Senior Member

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    very nice remake of Turf
    good job
  18. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
    Senior Member

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    turf is a ***** to make but you did well of remaking it 5/5 good job
  19. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    this is a great reamke. probably thew best yet. I dont see why theres water though I dont remeber any in turf.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    A nice remake, by far the best I have seen of Turf so far. Its the most true remake yet very playable and nicely adjusted.
    My only suggestions would be to tidy up some of the interlocking. The central structure is a little bumpy on top and there are a few odd angles up there. The lower levels seem pretty solid, but the higher, smaller structural work could do with a little tidying just for playability's sake.

    The grav lift also does pose some problems, it makes areas that (I'm guessing) are supposed to be inaccessible quite easy to get to, as well as making the map quite easy to escape. Either some extensive restructuring or removal of the grav lift would fix this, but its just a suggestion.

    Overall I really like it, and my brother (whose favourite map ever is Turf) agrees. Nice one.

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