Remake Turf Lagoon

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CaptTylor34, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    Turf Lagoon V2

    "Turf" Lagoon
    Version 2.0

    Here is a remake of (in my opinion) one of the best maps from Halo 2, "Turf". It took a couple days of work, but I jumped back and forth and followed some screen caps to make sure the geometry played the same as it did back in the day. Hope you guys enjoy it!

    Weapons on map:

    ____Weapon_____Respawn Time____

    2x Plasma Pistol...........0:30
    1x Shotgun.................1:00
    1x Sniper Rifle.............1:00
    1x Plasma Repeater......0:45 <---Replaces Brute Plasma Rifle
    3x Plasma Rifle............0:30
    3x DMR......................0:45 <---Replaces Battle Rifle
    4x Assault Rifle............0:45 <---Replaces SMG
    1x Magnum.................0:45
    2x Concussion Rifle.......1:00 <---Replaces Brute Shot
    1x Warthog.................0:45
    4x Frag Grenades.........0:45
    8x Plasma Grenades......0:45

    Version 1.1 Update
    -Made spawn areas "Gametype Specific"
    -Added more neutral spawns
    -Fixed a misaligned panel on the walkway overlooking the Warthog
    -Replace some of the blocks with crates
    -Added a window that overlooks the falls
    -Removed Purple light from back alley

    Version 1.2 Update
    -Reduced the number of MedPacks
    -Fixed height of braces on the street

    Version 2.0 Update
    -Fixed platform by the medic tent so you can walk around the corner without being knocked off
    -Added purple light back into the back alley area
    -Replaced most of the blocks in the back alley with actual crates
    -Widened the medic tent door so that the warthog can drive through
    -Adjusted the width of the medic side street and swapped out some of the structures
    -Totally redid the warthog spawn to be closer to the original size
    -Shifted the roof around a bit
    -Back alley geometry has been tweaked
    -Changed the loadout camera to better mimic the angle of the loadout camera in the original map
    -Fixed a lot of issues with symmetrical spawning on asymmetrical game types and vise versa
    -Added Infection Gametype
    -Added Stockpile Gametype
    -Added Neutral Flag Gametype
    -Added Neutral Bomb Gametype
    -Added More Territories Gametypes
    -Okay pretty much made sure every gametype works on the map (except for race and invasion gametypes of course)

    Updated Pictures For V2.0 will come...well when I get around to it, for now use your imaginations! (or download the map...that works too)

    Warthog Spawn and Street looking towards the Medic Hut

    Central Ramp to get to the floor overlooking the Main Road

    Trucks, Antenna Bridge and Street Looking towards the Warehouse

    Above view of Warehouse

    Alley above the Warehouse

    Ramp leading towards the Middle of the Map

    The Middle of the Map

    View from where the scarab used to be towards the Middle of the Map

    View of where the scarab was, now a window over looking the falls.

    Medic Hut and ramp leading to the Back Alley

    The Back Alley
    #1 CaptTylor34, Sep 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  2. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude this looks great, from the pictures it looks really close to the original i'll have to play it later and see for myself, my only thing is why does everyone make maps that are floating? There is some seriously Badass terrain out there to be using, sure it may not go with the remake but it'l give it a great feel to have grass trees rocks etc in the map.
  3. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    I'll agree with you on that, this is basically my first forge map, so I thought I'd keep it simple. Plus with it being a remake, and the original map being in an urban environment, I think it's better to keep it like this in the spirit of the original. I enjoyed making this, and I think I'll probably make more maps. I'll certainly work with the terrain in the future.
  4. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    this is beautifully forged the one problem i have with it is the lighting turf is sorta meant to be outside...with a sky i like the wat the ceiling was forged but some parts of the map mainly near the camp site its really dark on the map
  5. centurionomegai

    centurionomegai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map is an excellent remake, I have yet to see how well it plays but running around in it feels right and a lot of the details that made the original great you captured nicely.

    Forge-able objects do not cast shadows, yet the map does feel dark. That probably has to do with where you placed your map in the first place. If it was your intention to make it feel dark than smart move on placing it under the cliff. Placing it against terrain could have helped create the little curved slope under scarab. But that would probably be more effort than it was worth.

    I do wonder however, why you didn't replace all the original crates you could have with crates. Since you still have 4 left.
  6. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    Yeah, I just remember the map being pretty shadowy compared to the others, so I purposeful put it under the rocks. That also makes the idea of opening the ceiling to the sky a bit of a disappointing idea since it'll be rocks not sky. Also the ceiling allows us to use jet packs without anyone screwing up the game by running around outside the map.

    I actually didn't find the crates until after everything was forged. If I go back and make any changes, I could replace some of the structural items with crates, but they both act the same when you are trying to kill each other.
  7. Vicious3745

    Vicious3745 Ancient
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    This map is very well forged, i love the asthetic of it, how it still feels like turf, despite the objects and lighting. I'll be keeping this one around for infection, it's certainly the best Turf remake i've played so far.
  8. Dot

    Dot Forerunner

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    Really nice dude just played a bunch of remakes and this is by far one of the best I've seen so far. Kinda agree with some of the comments, maybe jazz it up a bit make. Anyway, hope you keep goin with remakes man.
  9. Reliant Relic

    Reliant Relic Forerunner

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    Looks great, creative placement. To bad nobody can remake the breakable glass, the doors, or the falling walkways. This is the first remake I've seen that seems to recreate the walkways properly. Looks awesome, I hope I can play it soon.
  10. fBomb 22

    fBomb 22 Ancient
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    I played a half dozen Turf remakes and this is the one I'm keeping! Definitely a different look than the original but that's not a bad thing when it works. This works. The lighting is incredible! It's like a moon lit city at night. Not your original intention I think, but call it a happy accident.
  11. Grimsby

    Grimsby Forerunner

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    This is beautiful! Please tell me you are entering this in to the contest.
  12. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    Actually I was aiming for just city, but that works too. Thanks for the comment!
  13. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great remake

    Very accurate remake looks great. I thought it was a shame that you could hear the waterfall outside but couldn't see it so.....


    by the way the area that I'm showing you here is where the problem is with your spawns. When we played the map one team would always spawn in this same location. this created a clusterf>>> whenever the opposing team was close. Revisit your spawn placements and nix spawn areas for individual spawns in places where the can spawn in cover.

    Great first effort.

  14. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    What game type were you playing, I did a lot of messing around when I added all the game types, and the spawning was the only part that I really didn't know how to approach, so I just guessed. Any guidance would be appreciated
  15. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    We were playing slayer and swat slayer. I will take a look at it in forge tonight and get back to you.
  16. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map looks ok, the porportions are off and some of the important aethestics you left out like the scarab. overall 3/5
  17. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    What proportions do you think are off? Im positive everythings spaced properly. Also I knew I wasn't gonna be able to replicate the scarab, but since it's not part of the actual gameplay of the map I skipped it. I think how the map plats is mire important than replicating minor aesthetic details.
  18. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    ???? went back and looked at your spawn areas. They are specific to game type and should not interfere with slayer. Maybe adding more individual neutral spawns (in cover) might decrease the frequency of spawns in that one corner of the map. Also try making your game specific spawn areas "true" for gametype specific. Not sure if they were.

  19. badgesaw3

    badgesaw3 Forerunner

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    tres bonne map et bien jouer bon frag
  20. CaptTylor34

    CaptTylor34 Forerunner

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    Okay I'll go back and update that when I get the chance, I'm pretty sure that they aren't designated "true" for gametype specific, unless it sets it automatically. If you (or anyone for that matter) finds any problems with the map that you think I should fix, just let me know, and be specific too, want this to be perfect.

    Added after 4 Days 5 Hours:

    Okay updated the map tonight! Tweaked some of the geometry, hopefully fixed the spawning problem, and most noticeably added a big window looking at the falls. Comments are welcome, don't forget to rate too!
    #20 CaptTylor34, Oct 15, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010

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