Turf (accurately scaled Halo 2 remake)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by tallon, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    Gamertag: o Tallon o
    Slayer/FFA, oddball, ctf, koth

    Latest update made: 1/6/13
    Made the back alleys more accurate dimension, cleaned up the map a lot, added objects, made from platform and building walk through smaller like the original.

    I have been a fan of Halo 2 since the beginning and I will always prefer the maps from Halo 2 so I had to remake one of them. Lockout was my favorite but I know a lot of people will be attempting perfect versions of the map and so I thought of Turf because I played Double team a lot and I missed the map. Now I already notice people are attempting this map, not until I have already started but the things I noticed about them are, well, they don't feel the same.

    I forged this map on a screen side by side another screen with the original map and I wanted everything to feel the same. If you need to crouch jump on top of something then that's how it needed to be. If you could almost reach something without jumping onto a box but not quite then that would be in my map also. The reticule, when lined up to things/buildings in the original, would line up the same with most parts of this map. Line of sights, I had set as best I could. The platforms and things in other maps weren't at the right height compared to the chief so I had to make them right in my map. The tent for example, you should be able to crouch jump on top of it, it shouldn't be two times bigger than the Chief. When you jump on to it from above, it should feel like you are going for a super bounce (of course you can't) but I made sure most of the original jumps were in the map.

    While I made sure you can't go out of the map anywhere, you can still trick jump your way to the top of the building above the tent or above the plasma pistol across from it. I felt it would keep the map like the original, I don't see a reason to take them out. If you didn't like those parts in Halo 2 then chances are you won't like playing this map.

    I set the map up a lot like the original. I took the time to set all of the player spawns the same, the hills are exactly same shape, odd ball has to be played the same way as well as CTF. I only set it for two team CTF. The plasma rifles I replaced with storm rifles. Weapon and Grenade placements are correct. I know I could have just not made the map on erosion but it was the first thing I tried and I just didn't stop and think twice until I was finished.

    With all of that said I hope someone enjoys my version of turf as it took me a few weeks to finish it but I don't mind criticism so let me have it. I apologize my capture card is not too good.

    You can download it by searching my gamer tag: o Tallon o

    I accept friend requests

    Platforms are correct height. Perch above warehouse still there.
    Sign is still there, as in the original you could over-jump from it to the bruteshot which is now a concussion rifle. I couldn't add other signs with the budget but this was the most important one.
    Ramps and platforms are placed carefully to keep the same feel of the map. Not just making them any old way just to save objects. This meant using a lot of small objects to take up space that shouldn't be there as other remakes fail to demonstrate.
    #1 tallon, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  2. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    This looks like a really faithful remake but was this built on Erosion? I feel like Ravine would be better because of the sunlight and more abundant dynamic lighting

    Like this image.

    I know the white forge pieces don't look like the Turf buildings but I'm sure if you could fine a way to make the streets darker or have yellow stripes like a street, then it'd look great. Either way, when I play Halo 4 next, I'll DL this and fly around. Don't take this as me insulting your decision, I'm just saying a brighter, sunlit Turf remake is more up my alley.
  3. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    Yeah you're right about Ravine now that I see what others are using, at the time I just picked one and kept going by then it was too late lol
    I have huge migraine and nausea problems when working with forge for some reason so it's difficult for me to go back and redo. That's mainly why it took me a few weeks.

    I think that making the map feel more like the original while playing it, made it so I could not get all of the aesthetics in because I ran out of budget and objects. I felt one was more important than the other.

    There are better looking remakes but then their walls aren't perfect dimension you know what I mean? You can only have one or the other with the budget we're given. Otherwise we'll have jumps that just don't feel right because we wanted to use our budget other places.

    I had started with the looks, including power lines, street decoration, pipes and everything needed to make the map look good but in order to finish the map those parts need to get taken out.

    No offense taken I appreciate it, thanks
    #3 tallon, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  4. III Specia1 K III

    III Specia1 K III Promethean

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    This is very impressive. I'm usually not a big fan of Erosion creations, but this... this looks great! Hope to try it out soon!
  5. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    Thanks, hope you feel the same after playing. Glad you remade burial mounds I'll have to try it. It wasn't my favorite map but most of the H3, reach, H4 maps made it look good and I'm missing it lol
    What ever happened to the simplicity of the old maps?
    #5 tallon, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  6. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    Oh no! The aesthetics are fine! Like I'm fine with sacrificing the Scarab for the sake of having the gameplay closer to the original and things like that but I just meant that the sunlight of Ravine would be a simple way of recreating the map in the same way while also retaining the sunlit aspect of the original? Maybe it's not, the pieces might not allow for it...

    Anyway, the only reason I brought it up is because Ravine so far is my favorite 'cause you get the cool dynamic lighting without it being too contrasting (Like Impact), the pieces are white but not BLINDING white (Like Impact), and you can add color to them which is more noticeable than the Erosion pieces which can allow for better orientation (i.e. I'm in the purple area so I must be here! kind of thing)

    I love the look of the roofs though.... I remember remakes in 3 and Reach where they didn't keep them the same and I hated that (x

    Also LOL Superjumps. You could remake them with Man Cannons/Grav lifts. I kid, I kid haha
  7. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    I agree, I thought I'd add the comment about aesthetics because a lot of people seem to care a lot about that stuff.

    lol I actually Don't really want super bounces to work in it I just meant it felt like I was in that part of turf. Brings back memories. Funny about the cannons though lol if anyone wanted to pretend they were in h2 doing that they could easily add one :p


    Edited by merge:

    I made changes today
    I had left things in that I didn't want in and some how a crate disappeared that needs to be there so it is back in
    changed the trait zones a little bit

    Edited by merge:

    (1/5/13) And more changes, found escape holes and realigned some things
    #7 tallon, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013
  8. nitemare400

    nitemare400 Promethean

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    the most accurate remake of turf on here all the others have buildings that are too big and things not placed right this ones perfect! just need people to play it with
  9. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    Let me preface what I'm going to say with this. I'm not coming into this with the intention of trashing your remake to make me feel better about mine. I'm coming in here pretending, for the sake of being unbiased, that I had not remade Turf. I'm gonna be as objective as I can with this.

    The first thing I noticed when I booted up this map is that the atmosphere inside the Colosseum does not work for Turf at all. Looking up, it's all black with a flourescent light here and there. It doesn't remind me of the original Turf in any way. I'll stop there, because it's been mentioned above.

    Next, I noticed several uneven spots in the alleys, where the Colosseum walls don't sit level with each other. That makes the alleys really bouncy and irritating to walk through.

    There were a few little nooks and crannies that were missing in the alleys, as well, near the Scarab area. And speaking of the Scarab, that area on this map seems to be done poorly. There was a slight raise in elevation on the original, and the walkable area behind the crates is a lot larger here than the original, as well. It strikes me as odd that you intended to use the brown blocks to better emulate the colors of the original buildings, but overlooked the structural accuracy of some areas.

    Again, I'm not trying to sound like a self-righteous asshole, but there's no real nice way to say this. There are several spots on the map where the forging is just... sloppy. The gate by the warthog, the Scarab area, there's a hole in the ceiling of the overhang just to Scarab's left, the roof of the warehouse, I could go on, but you probably get the picture.

    The dimensions are really nice, however. It's just that translating the dimensions cleanly into forge, and using the cleanest pieces, seems to be the problem with this remake.
  10. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    I fixed some of the problems today, it's just minor stuff that could be adjusted or replaced by something else. The holes up high aren't escape-able. The unevenness in the ground I notice in forge but not in an actual game.

    The roof in the warehouse is meant to be like that, there are no prefabbed pieces for this.. the only way to make it accurate is to put smaller pieces together. There are a lot of details.
    It's better than having a big box that isn't even playable the way it's supposed to be. The warehouse is actually falling apart in Halo 2 so I'm not sure how it's "sloppy."

    As for the raise in elevation at the scarab, I know, I played Turf a thousand times but I couldn't put that in there it's not really an important part of the map anyway as you're rarely in there except grabbing the oddball and spawning.

    I did, however do changes in the gate area, made the front platforms and building walkthrough more correct dimension since I knew it's been awkward for awhile, adjusted things more neatly.
    #10 tallon, Jan 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2013
  11. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    I guess people like awkward proportioned maps where you can't jump onto the top center of the tent from the ground when you are indeed supposed to be able to.

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