Turbulence Created by Orphanslayer92 DOWNLOAD TURBULENCE Base Map: Sandbox Time Spent Forging: Around 20-25 hours Gametypes Supported: Racetracks and all Battle Track Variants Gametypes Recommended: Battle Snipers, Battle BRs Supported Players: 1-16 Recommended Players: 6-10 Description: Turbulence is the first racetrack I have ever created (not just on Sandbox but EVER ). Every part of the track is interlocked and it is completely cheat proof. There are weapons set on the map for Battle Tracks, including a Shotgun near the beginning, Plasma nades on top of the hill, and a trip mine near the end. The map plays best for Battle Snipers and Battle BRs but is also fun with Battle Lasers and just plain Racetracks. The map took me an averagely large amount of time and (being an idiot) I forgot to use an OLN canvas and didn't realize it until I was almost done. So the track isn't quite as long as I had planned, but it still takes between 25 and 30 seconds to complete a lap. Hopefully you like the map, and I would like to thank oO SLiK Oo and iTz Flair for inspiring me to create a track. Both Equinox and Typhoon greatly influenced my map. Screenshots: Overview Overview Overview Overview Spawn First Straightaway First Turn First Hill Second Turn Second Turn Continued Third Turn Second Straightaway (slight hill/ending of third turn) Fourth Turn/Destination DOWNLOAD TURBULENCE Thanks to Wolverine, craigen, oO SLiK Oo, xSharpshooter94, and Adrue321 for testing (if I left you out sorry ) And remember this is my first map, don't be too harsh!
Looks fun, smooth, exiting, hard and well made. Good job! Reminds me of Back Burner that was also featured. I see this as a featured map as well. 5/5
this is extremely well done, especially for a first race map! this is big praise from me cuz I never play race maps. You have my DL but im on a PSP so has to wait till tommorow. : (
Not really I see you dont lurk much.Hey this is really nice man.The smoothness is unbelievable.And nice banks,drops,and inclines.Great job overall it is sweet and a great first map.
The map looks great and i can tell that you put quite some work into it. All of the turns like perfectly forged and i really think your time did not go to waste. My favorite part of the map is probably the second turn as it is on a slant, makes it looks pretty cool. BTW for your first map, very good job.
great map overall. 5/5. i just think that the 2nd half is so great that the first half looks boring. its fine how it is but if the whole map was like the 2nd half than this would be one of the best tracks around. no joke.
Thanks guys for all the positive comments, I appreciate it. @cowboypickle, the first half is no necessarily boring, it's just more hills then turns, but thanks for your opinion.