Turbine Remote power facility battered by heavy meteor storms. A generator lies in the centre, harvesting energy from the planets core Video Walkthrough Turbine Map Walkthrough by Insanem0nk3 - YouTube GT: Insanem0nk3 I tried to utilize Impact's environment to its fullest potential, ie. using the mining building, open red/blue bases to see the great starry background - something which is sometimes missing in impact maps. It's compatible with slayer, CTF, and extraction, and will soon have a variant for my custom game Search and Destroy.
A few problems at first glance are: the map's layout is determined by premade structures such as the corridors and buildings (look at 1:03), the map has teleporters and grav lifts that replace hard routes such as ramps (the place I am talking about is at 44 sec), most of the time you don't want to have a low ceiling (1:48), and the map seems extremely disconnected (look at 1:03). A good way to improve the map would be to move everything closer to the mining building.