Turbine Remote power facility battered by heavy meteor storms. A generator lies in the centre, harvesting energy from the planets core GT: Insanem0nk3 I tried to utilize Impact's environment to its fullest potential, ie. using the mining building, open red/blue bases to see the great starry background - something which is sometimes missing in impact maps. It's compatible with slayer, CTF, and extraction, and will soon have a variant for my custom game Search and Destroy. I wanted to make a map centered around controlling the middle, so the team who controls the middle atrium controls the passage to green (scattershot), to gold (damage boost), and would try to hold either red or blue base (sniper). Any team that tries to camp only their side, gives up control of the power weapons of the other passages. The team with the best map control wins. Video Walkthrough Turbine Map Walkthrough by Insanem0nk3 - YouTube Screenshots Inner atrium: Overview: Red base: Green bridge: Gold: Extra Screenshots: Spoiler Blue base Green Room Weapons & Powerups Spoiler Power weapons 2 UNSC Snipers (one at each base), 1 Scattershot (green), 1 Damageboost (gold) Default weapons: 2 DMR (one at each base) 1 LR (green bridge) 1 Carbine (gold) 1 BR (gold) 4 frag, 4 plasma, 2 pulse grenades These weapon placements were likened to be similar to MLG styled weapon choices. If I've left a comment or constructive criticism of your map, here is your chance to return the favor! Edited by merge: Anyone got advice on my map?