Tunnel. Ball. Tunnelball. (updated!) Two loadouts: jetpack + focus rifle; evade + gravity hammer. Armor ability use is unlimited, ammo is unlimited (but reloading clips is still required). Players cannot kill each other. Get the ball in the opposing goal to score. 4 quarters (rounds) of 3 minutes each... and the last 30 seconds of each quarter goes into multiball mode, with three balls in play instead of one! To be released after I get some tests in. But to be honest, I think the concept is close to foolproof. Just remains to be seen how hard it is to score with 8 players blasting the ball simultaneously. (Despite the screens below, there are no longer concussion rifles in this game. I fear chaos.)
I don't quite get it. Does each team try and just score the ball into the enemy's goal? Are the man cannons on the side help if the ball is launched into it? Does that translate into an instant goal for the opposing team? But if you need testers, I would be glad to help. It does look quite interesting.
Each team is just trying to get the ball into the opposite goal, yeah. Ball goes in = 1 point scored. I'm trying to decide the best score to win, and it will be determined by hard it proves to be to score; by myself I can usually get the ball in within seconds, but no one is playing defense of course. The gametype as it stands is set at 20 points to win, or a 10 minute time limit. (Possibly I could even up the score and just let the time limit always end it.) The man cannons will push the ball (or a player) down toward the enemy goal. So they're useful for field position, might give you a score, and may also help jetpackers - who are slower than evaders - to get around. In my limited tests so far, they're not an automatic score; the farthest ones aren't even directed exactly at the goal, and it seems to depend what angle and speed the ball is going when it enters the mancannon as to where it ends up. (Also, to my surprise, they just don't come into play that much - I was flinging the ball all over the place just to see, and only hit the mancannons a few times. With that in mind, I may actually tweak the angle on them so they all do point directly at the goal. It would be pretty fun to see it hit one of those knowing it was probably a score for your side.) BIG EDIT - I did arrange the mancannons so that if the ball hits them, it will score a goal most of the time unless the ball is deflected before it gets there. Should be fun, and adds an element of strategy since you can do trick shots by hitting the ball in interesting directions. Thanks for the testing offer, I'll add you later on today. By the way, just a general note: I think I'm going to remove the concussion rifles from both loadouts. They look pretty and it's fun to blast away, but I think with 8 players wielding them it will remove any type of precision from the game.