Title:Tunnel Strike V1 Intense tunnel battles Download Map Description: This is my first map it was inspired by xAoTx diffuse's map Tunnel raid 2.0 i diid my best to stick to the style of the map he built with some modifications to make it work with most game types. you should be able to play Slayer, CTF, Assualt, KOTH, Odd ball, and Territories. team spawn rooms there is no way back in to these once u leave Base:b is the same as base a also a bridge will spawn after 2 mins that will give u access to the cov tunnels Bottom tunnel Cov tunnel Rocket spawn any feed back would be nice to help me fix it and make more maps
A couple things Weapon armourys suck big time Interlocking does not suck big time And maps with interlocking don't suck big time I'm not saying ur map sucks cause I don't think it does but use these techniques to improve ur map Look at all the great maps that are featured, how many of them don't use interlocking and how many gave weapon armourys? Not many Hope to see some of your future naps but this one didnt get my dl
i was thinking of ditching the armory thing the only reason it is there is for a safe spawn in objective games but i see your point. i will probly take it out and as for interlocking im not sure what that even is i just made this map in like 4 hours so i dident expect it to be perfect if someone more skilled wants to help that would eb great. but i will look on the 101 page this one will keep getting tweaked
Ok ok that's def. A good thing. Interlocking makes foundry maps foundry maps. So def look at the 101 page
kk i took out the spawn room and did a lil tweaking here and there to even out weapons and such also did a lil pit of inter locking to make some things look cleaner but i kinda like the miss match type look for this level. give it a try and tell me what ya think now i re hosted the file
I can tell by the screens this map is not anything special. It really is mundane, also it is too linear, there is pretty much one set path, not a lot of options. More options equals better gameplay, less options equals worse gameplay, basic philosophy.
there are plenty of options in this map it isent just one path threw to the other base there are 3 ways to get from base A to B.
Not true, Conquest anyone... Anyways your map does lack refinement. But maybe that is why you felt you needed to put v1.
yea i have put out a new version with a lil more on it the screens are from the old one and yea i plan on working on it till it is a good map.