Tunnel Rush

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by mboddz751, Feb 1, 2009.


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  1. mboddz751

    mboddz751 Ancient
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    Tunnel Rush

    Story: Your team and you are inserted into a lab complex via a pelican dropship, responding a sudden distress call from within the lab. As you and your team move through the shipment tunnel you begin to notice many makeshift barricades and cluttered supplies. Your team's training allows them to finally hack the door into the lab and prepare to aid the scientists inside. However there is nobody left alive in the labs. As your team investigates one of the dead scientists springs to life and charges at you and your team, and is quickly killed. However the rest of the dead scientists are beging to show signs of coming back to life and your team and you quickly retreat and race back towards the landing zone. However when your team reaches the beginning of the shipment tunnel there is a quarantine door blocking your way, which has been activated by an automatic security system. You and your team quickly realize the only way to get past the door is to blow it down, however the only explosives available is a rocket launcher. But its at the other end of the shipment tunnel......

    Game: Humans spawn at the beginning of the tunnel at a makeshift camp. This camp has some weapons that dont respawn. After collecting their weapons, the humans must make their way through the hallway to the oppisite balcony door, make they're way trough the middle rooms, take the rocket launcher at the end of them, run back to the quarantine door (which is a wall of crates blocking the doorway at the human spawn) and blow it down, and lastly hold out at the last stand fort in till the time runs out.

    The zombies goal is to obviously stop the humans from lasting the time limit by whatever means possible. The zombies also spawn on top of the AC pipes.

    Gametype: In the gametype meant for this map (evacuation), humans have no shields, run at normal speed, have the highest gravity, and start with magnums.

    Zombies only weapon is an energy sword. Their speed is 200%, and their gravity is 50%


    Human Spawn Point

    First Hallway​

    barricade (be creative and find ways around it)​

    ambush room​

    the rocket launcher​

    Tips: Humans: -Try to stick in a group and cover all angles
    -Make wide turns around corners
    -Keep an eye on the player with the rocket launcher and be prepared to take it from him or her if they die
    -For the ambush room try and send in the players with shotguns to clear it out first
    -Please do not try to melee the quarantine wall down (even though you will most likely be infected and it just ruins the game)

    Zombies: -Try to swarm enemies whenever possible
    -Set up ambushes in certain places, like doorways where the humans are forced to walk in one by one
    - use cover to your advantage
    - zig zag to avoid being shot
    -focus on the player with the rocket launcher (killing him or her will stall the team's progress while they go back to get the launcher)


    #1 mboddz751, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2009
  2. Killex

    Killex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice idea. I've always liked zombie maps which try to do something diffrent.
  3. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow nice map ill give it a 4/5 for gameplay but you could of put extra effort into the map by merging but i have to admit it is really fun and is preety much original

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