dang, all i can say is that this map would be nothing without the bubble sheilds.... which means that with such a high respawn time that means that the sniper WILL dominate as there really isn't anywhere to run when crossing in the tunnels. if you take a look at most of the maps for conquest, there is always only one direction in which the people can come from, much like foundry tunnels and cellars...ect. you should set up a counquest version of this map, im no genious at making conquest maps, but this can definetlybe set up in a 5 territory game, that is if you include the foundry armory. itll look something like..... am i right? with the middle area being the highly debated terrortory... LOL that looks like a fancy "E" p.s. sorry for double posting, totally unintentional, i swear...
EDIT: holy crap sorry... how did i post this twice when i only clicked reply once??? but while im at it i think that the mongoose pretty much gives players the access to outside the map, make sure that all of your walls are intorlocked if you hope to keep ppl inside.
very cool - i like the slender hallway with the little outpost in the middle- it would make for very interesting gameplay. however, i think it is a bit simple in design. maybe another hallway would be cool? just a suggestion, but i do like the map a lot
What is a conquest map? Does it involve territories? I'm making a version three right now, I got rid of the thin hallway and replaced it with two wider tunnels on top of each other, I still haven't got the full blueprint down, but i think this one will be bad ass.
Wow, looks great and is amazingly original. I didn't think much of it first, but now that I took a second look, I'll be sure to download it. Looks like a ton of fun. I love the mongeese. Provides a quick get-away, but because of the long tunnels, can also be deadly.
wow man this is really cool! it definitely is a better tunnel game then tunnel raid was/is (i said "is" because people still play it, hey that's not a bad thing, it's still cool ya know) hey but i really like how you set up the bases, one in the hall and another in it's own scenery made hall-like room, looks like fun. i like dat mongoose i see going on there, me gusta mucho! nice job!
I downloaded, I played, and my party of 8 had a blast! We played Multi Flag on this map for hours, it was soooo much fun! Although every match would always turn into a sniper fiesta (Which would be concluded by somebody driving a mongoose through the tunnel, thus killing the sniper. The only problem we had was that on about the third or fourth match I got owned by the sniper and spawned outside the map. I checked the map in forge and there weren't any spawn points outside the map. Strange? I know that this isn't your fault but I just thought it would be a strange thing to bring up. The gameplay is awesome and caused me to get very angry when I would be so close to getting into that building in the middle, but instead having the sniper get a lucky shot on my head. :*( 5/5, oh and make a bigger one some time if possible. Dunno if anybody has said this yet but... possibly 2 tunnels?
Dude, that's awesome, finally someone who feels me when i play this map. I took your idea and ran with it, I decided to place the two tunnels on top of each other and also make a middle structure accessible from the sides, similar to elongation. I have some pics of the prototype, tell me what you think: I was thinking of adding a small ramp so you can get to the upper tunnel by walking instead of jumping, but IDK.
Nice map by the way looks a change from all the MLG maps that all look the same but it might turn into a campers paradise i also have a map Called Tunnel flag XD