Map Title: Tunnel Raid ctf: two floor edition Why have one floor when you can have two? Download Map Description: basically three floors, bottom (on each side) with a shotty, sniper, 4 maulers, plasmas, flame nades, bubble shield, active camo, flame thrower, machine turret and the flag. second floor has two snipes, turret bubble shield, and regenorator, and top floor has regenorator snipe and shotty. The thing about the third floor (grav lift to get you there) is you can be shot by the other team on thier third floor, so it is dangerous. second floor One of the bases Second story Entrance to second story Zoomed out First floor of base Entrance to first and second floor First floor tunnel, flame thrower screen door is first floor tunnel Second story sniper base Third story snipe platform This is my first map, and my first forged map experimenting with interlocking
Nice first map. While it is not exactly original, it is still rather kewl. Also, it isn't a zombie map, which is rare from new members. Finally, good post. Most new guys get that hideously wrong and get flamed. GW
looks good but try to use theater to get all the aiming and radar and budget and that stuff off the screen, kind of distracting (tap "B" twice)
not orignal. it really helps when weapons are seperated better. looks fairly easy to hop over the wall
this map really works well for camping, sit right next to the exit with some high powered weapon and bam, u get rots of kills
although it does look good especially for a first post no tunnel raid can ever beat the origional on last resort. I loved that map!
Okay, first off, screenshots. Go into custom games walk around so that your not clear site, then go into theatre, people dont like to see the spawn points let alone the radar and budget. It appears incredibly overloaded with weapons, it looks sloppy and it appears to be breakable. I dont want to sound mean, I'm just saying what I think.
I like how this map was made!!! KEEP BUILDING samstone my map: close the gates
first of all, i would like to know if you can get out of the map, cause i have tested it, second of all sorry about the pictures i will remember that for my next map, and yes JASONYO, you can camp in this map, but you could camp in the original too, so there is no difference. Also a well placed flame granade can easily stop any campers...
and yes the weapons are pretty close together, but i was going for a "rush to the tunnels" type gameplay
Looks cool but it also looks like you could use that extra 300$ to seal the map better because it looks like it can be jumped out of. Just one thing I want to say is that in theatre press "Y" and it will go away from your character allowing for better views and screenshots
Take away the shield doors. That doesn't make sense, because tunnel raid depended upon Bubble shield and you completely changed original gameplay with those small little things.
ya im definitely thinking of re-doing it... maybe, Tunnel Raid: Two Floors 2... although i am working on like three maps at the moment