Summary Tunnel Flag is the next amazing halo 3 sport from the first picture you may think it looks too simple and boring but if you like grifball you will love this. you must navigate the tunnels to grab the flag and return it but if you just charge straight down one tunnel you will be slaughtered the trick is to weave inbetween the tunnels and attack from the side. also it does have a roof as you can see here The Tunnels The Tunels are very differant from each other some are wide and some are thin and they each have doors in differant places The Gametype the gametype uses the same sword and hammer weapons as grifball but to prevent spawn camping you are invincible for 1 second when you spawn the flag carrier is also slower and as got more health normal players are slower with high gravity if there are problems with the gametype please let me know it is meant for 8-14 players Tunnel Flag this is my second try at forging and my first try at a minigame so please tell me what to improve on and dont post comments telling me how rubbish you think it is Thanks~ChimpyKing Download It Here
This is not up to forgehub standards, you need to embed your pics. Just upload them to imageshack or photobucket and use IMG tags. I looked at the pics because it was easier than normal anyway. Looks sloppy. Genius idea, but walls are very crooked, and roof should be neatly interlocked.
Don't delete it, just edit your post. Here, give me a sec, and I will make a copy for your post to be in. Go to the edit bottom in the bottom right of your post, then copy and past this. Where I have .'s in the [.img] and [/img.] delete. [.IMG][/IMG.] Summary Tunnel Flag is the next amazing halo 3 sport from the first picture you may think it looks too simple and boring but if you like grifball you will love this. you must navigate the tunnels to grab the flag and return it but if you just charge straight down one tunnel you will be slaughtered the trick is to weave inbetween the tunnels and attack from the side. also it does have a roof as you can see here [.IMG][/IMG.] The Tunnels The Tunels are very differant from each other some are wide and some are thin and they each have doors in differant places [.IMG][/IMG.] The Gametype the gametype uses the same sword and hammer weapons as grifball but to prevent spawn camping you are invincible for 1 second when you spawn the flag carrier is also slower and as got more health normal players are slower with high gravity if there are problems with the gametype please let me know it is meant for 8-14 players Tunnel Flag this is my second try at forging and my first try at a minigame so please tell me what to improve on and dont post comments telling me how rubbish you think it is Thanks~ChimpyKing Download It Here
Your post is not up to standards. You need to embed pics. Save the BIGGER picture of all your pics of the map. Then upload them to either or Its free to be a member. Copy the dirct link under the uploaded pic (can't miss it) and then copy that direct link into the embed pic button while typing your post (one of the little buttons). It will be embeded in your post!
thanks to red earth for sorta explaining how to post pics.if you still dont get it go into the community maps section and read the sticky on posting maps. NO ONE else need comment until there are pics. you have 24 hours to fix
Here check my second post, I know i'm not supposed to post after that, but In my first post I have code for him to copy, it's the same post, just with images embedded. Just delete the periods in the img tags.
Original, but not executed entirely well due to sloppiness. Still, good for a new member. We can still see the pics by clicking links so why shouldn't we post?
He's talking about the people that troll these forums looking for new posts just to put in 'post isn't up to standards', 'needs pics', etc. so that their post count goes up while not helping anyone. And about the map, it sounds quite fun but you need to learn to interlock to make the walls look neater.
sounds good, i looked at the screenies and it does look sloppy, maybe when you figure out how to post, post a v2 of this with interlokced walls, which you can read about in forging 101, good idea, nice first map
Battleman you didn't read what going on did you cuz he is fixing the post and the not up to standards has already been said so what you said about not meeting standards is considered spam and a possible infraction so next time take a minute and read the other posts
every one i have fixed the post and i will try to make a neater V2 but my theory on maps is if they are fun and play well they are good
good idea but the walls looks crooked so if you would make a nother version and clean it up maby inerlock it would looks alot nice
It's really sloppy and not well amde and there not really tunnels but it's orginal and seems very fun. nice job on that.
I got a way to put them straight, just put double, or single boxes right next to the walls and they will probally be staight