A different map with a huge bridge overwelming the gulch. Made for every game type known to Reach except Invasion. Made by Charles Stoot. Tundra Charles J. Stoot Tundra This map was created using Forge World in Halo Reach. I have no ownership of the game. All Game Rights go towards Microsoft and Bungie. I have only used parts of the game in this video. Same goes for the song. Looking North Looking South Link to map: if top link does not work: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Tundra Map - YouTube Link to video: if top image does not work:Tundra Map - YouTube
I lol'd at this. Anyways, it needs work to say the least. Having one chokepoint to cross is definitely not a good idea. Infantry would not stand a chance against vehicles on that open bridge. There are also some random paths that just basically lead to dead ends. It also looks terribly random and unprofessional.
Thanks for the remark. Let alone this was my first map. I made it for every game type too. I'm in the making of a smaller version of this map called Subvine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: You can Check out my other game type too. Remember I make my maps with quality Instead of quantity. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-gametypes/135998-happy-ninjas-2-25-a.html Play for Fun and not for Keeps