Tumbleweed, TX You won't find anything but trouble in this ghost town. And remember, trust no one. 4-12 players Author: Brute Captain Tumbleweed, TX is different from the other maps I have made. It was inspired by my favorite town and urban maps, and even Kentuck Tango. I wanted to make something familiar, yet strange at the same time. Certain things you will understand in Tumbleweed, and somethings you will just scratch your head trying to figure out what the heck it is. Map Geometry: There are a few main structures in this map as well as various other minor ones. The most prominent of all is the house. The house consists of two stories, the first with a geometry merged box so that you must crouch to get into that certain are. There is also a roof that can be accessed, but it is up to you to figure out how to get up. The general store is diaganol from the house. There is a large sign on top of the store that you can climb up from the roof. Also on the roof, there is one pallet that is inlaid with the roof that you can break and fall through. There is also a smaller base type are that consists of a few boxes and fence boxes. Once you climb the stairs there isn't too much cover. Other structures include a small spiral type thing, a gas station styled cover with a warthog under it, a small partially protected booth, an artful triangular shaped structure with forklifts and a soccer ball, and a parking area that has a low wall around it. Compatibility: Tumbleweed works with all gametypes, preferably slayer, oddball, king of the hill and infection settings. It works with one sided objective games like assault and CTF, but not two sided. Weapons: 4 assault rifles, 7 battle rifles, 1 shotgun, 1 sniper rifle, 1 SMG, 4 spikers, 2 plasma rifles, 2 needlers, 2 brute shots, 1 rocket launcher, 2 carbines, and 1 beam rifle. Equipment: 1 Power Drain, 1 Grav Lift and 1 Regenerator. Vehicles: 2 warthogs and 1 mongoose. Players: 4-12 Link to Download: Here Screenshots:
this looks awesome. great interlocking and merging brute, the 8th pic with the fence box area looks stunning. great job
Yet, another great map from Brute Captain. Simply great, thats all I can say. what is that tree looking thing in pic 3, though?
This map looks simple awesome. Interlocking/merging is great, and I've never seen forklifts used like that before (which I guess is a good thing). Can't think of any more praise to give you right now so...yea. The only thing I would point out is that the interlocked wall by those four step-like double boxes is a bit awkward and unnecessary. Maybe delete it and put in some more barrels for cover?
looks like a very nice map. in picture 4 i think it was you had 2 soccer balls? i just don't see a need for them in a competitive map. one does look locked down tho... i'll download and take a look around.
yet again brute...you always post some pretty badass maps, message me on xbl later and we'll get down on a game, if I'm not playing cod4 or gta4 that is....
OMG this map is amazing.All the aestetics are really good like the rocket laucher holder.Your on a roll three great maps.Dling
Well, to break the train of Teh map is pwnzorz, I'll give some criticism from the pictures alone. The map overall does not look like too much of an interesting layout. I like the fence box and dbl box area (pic 8) and the forklift thing with rockets, even though it looks odd and messy. I can't see anyone going up on the steps of the dbl boxes, as it has no cover towards the rest of the map. The map, overall seems to have too much cover in some places and too little in others. Don't get me wrong, its a very nice map, but your other maps are MUCH better. I think part of the reason why I might be is to critical from the screen shots alone, is because its hard to tell how asymmetrical maps will work out without playing. I got the same thing with my map, people said things were "randomly placed". I'll DL and hopefully give a better review later...
The house is just stunning. And yes, you have me scratching my head on some of the other structures. Its the feeling I get when I look at the Mona Lisa.
Oh my Brute captain I do declare you have out done your self once again, But may I ask you one thing. How many oddball spawns are there? I hope 3.I guess I will find out when I do my forge-through.