Here are some of my T-shirt designs I have created over the past 2 weeks or so. Most of the designs will be related to "The Hereafter" an up and coming popular metal band that I am friends with. So anyway, have a look and tell me what you like! Note: Please don't rip! 1) T-rex Meteor design Spoiler 2) Toast Design Spoiler 3) Poon Design Spoiler 4) Circles Design Spoiler 5) Crow Blood Design Spoiler 6) Breakaway (Phoenix) Design Spoiler (Vote for my design in a contest here if you like it/ would buy it!) Thanks for looking!
Fashion; Mens Graphic T-Shirts, Crew Neck, Polo, Printed | AllSaints Last one is quite cool, but none of them are really encapsulating enough.
There all pretty great, I'd say three is my favorite. Btw, what did you use to make them? And where'd you get the t-shirt templates? I've been looking to design some myself for quite a while.
I'll practice more and hopefully be able to impress you one day lol thanks! And I used adobe photoshop cs4
I'm not a fan of printed t-shirts at all, but if i would buy one, it would have to be meaningful, expressionate and also unusual. I don't know how it is in America (since everything is branded anyway so you probably walk around with T-shirts sponsoring Starbucks) but here in the UK, the fashion explosion of printed t-shirts in 2009 is mainly due to indie culture and mainly brands like All-Saints that lead the way with expressionism. That website is a good one to follow on if you really want to make something that could sell. It used to be better in the old days before it got a bit mainstream, but it's probably one of the most creative brands around.