Title explains it all. I am trying to work on smudging on my sigs, and all this sig I tried improving that skill. I also tried to add cool effects to the sig with different brushes and set it to overlay. CnC please, on how I can improve. Ty Two Other versions: Border
Actually I didn't smudge this render at all, I just brushed over it with white with different brushes. Thanks though, it does look like smudging though, I have to agree.
I actually use varieties of brushes for smudging. I actually just grab the ones that look close to a square so that it works the best. Ones with weird patterns give nice smudges as well. I tried smudging the background more or less the render itself.
I have only a few none default brushes, I would however suggest using the vine bush to smudge, it makes nice patterns with the smudgy stuff thats just me though...
That actually sounds like a good idea. I will try using that on my next sig, and see how it turns out.
I like it. It looks really good and I like how the colors blend. I think the first one is the best becuz the First one with the black border ruins the sig. The second border is eh... Okay I think it looks best without the border though
also, if you have a render like that that just takes up part of it, dont leave so much empty space. crop the signature down