Remake Truth and Reconciliation V 2.0

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Super Majin Vegeta, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Super Majin Vegeta

    Super Majin Vegeta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is the last version of the remake of Truth and Reconcillation level of Halo: Combat Evolved.
    Changes from V1:
    -Now the aestetic of the map is the most similar as possible to the original hangar of the Truth and Reconcillation;
    -Now there are more respawns on invasion slayer, and they are more balanced :)


    PHASE 1

    The spartans have to storm the hangar

    Spartan Loadout

    Scout: Sprint/AR/Magnum/2x Frags
    Sharpshooter: Sprint/DMR/---/1x Frag

    Elite Loadout
    Warrior: Evade/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma
    Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Rifle/---/2x Plasma

    2x Needle Rifle
    1x Shotgun

    PHASE 2
    The spartans must unlock a door in order to proceed

    Spartan Loadout
    Guardian: Armor Lock/AR/Magnum/2x Frag
    Recon: Sprint/DMR/AR/2x Frag
    Spectre: Active Camo/AR/Magnum/2x Frag

    Elite Loadout
    Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma
    Assassin: Active Camo/Needler/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma
    Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma

    1x Rocket Laucher
    1x Focus Rifle
    1x Plasma Laucher
    1x Custom Powerup(Turns one elite into a zealot with a 2x overshield)

    PHASE 3
    The spartans have to place a bomb to destroy the ship

    Spartan Loadout
    Air Assault: Jetpack/AR/Magnum/2x Frag
    Sharpshooter: Sprint/DMR/Magnum/2x Frag
    Operator: Armor Lock/Shotgun/Magnum/2x Frag
    Granadier: Sprint/Granade Laucher/AR/2x Frag
    Infiltrator: Active Camo/DMR/AR/2x Frag

    Elite Loadout
    Royal Zealot: Evade/Needle Rifle/Plasma Rifle/2x Plasma
    Dark Assassin: Active Camo/Needler/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma
    Gladiator: Evade/Energy Sword/Plasma Repeater/2x Plasma
    Ranger: Jetpack/Plasma Rifle/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma
    Sentry: Armor Lock/Plasma Repeater/Plasma Pistol/2x Plasma

    P.S:players can't drive vehicles, but can use turrets :D

    Rate and comment please :)
    #1 Super Majin Vegeta, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  2. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    First of all you spelled balanced and aesthetic wrong...:/ In the layout of the map I can see that it is like that of the ship on the campain mission; however, you did not capture the true look or feel of the hanger in the mission using all of the gray pieces. With many parts of the ship you could have used the stunt ramps to make the map has the feel of covenant better and you could use the purple color on many of the objects to amplify this. If you have enough budget on the map and if you really what to you could even put a purple fx on the map but you would have to be careful that the players arent annoyed by that. On the set up of the game you should change what happens on the last phase because they do not destroy the spirit, but instead they get on it and leave the covenant ship that way. You should change it from blowing up the spirit to capturing the spirit or maybe bringing a core to it if you want. For the gameplay I cant say much at this time because I havent played it yet but the map does seem a little small for invasion but I need to play the map first before being sure about that and checking other factors of gameplay. Overall nice map that is very accuarte, but could use some changes to make it even more accuarte.

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