What's the deal with these three "True Canvas - Final Edition" maps in Bungie Favorites? I downloaded the Foundry one and it doesn't look any different from the other one that they had up there. Did they just do it again because the maps went free or what? Am I missing something?
Well, it's made by a different guy... and that's about it. Yeah, your probably right. Although why they would use maps from a different guy rather from the one before seems weird.
They didn't need to post the Foundry Canvas. Any 9 year old can clear Foundry. I did all of the canvas's by myself (except for isolation but I just hate that map and you can hardly forge on it anyways). I'm really ticked that they have the gametypes up there for Cell Block and the Normundy maps but they don't have the maps up there. What use is the gametype alone?
I think the guy was getting abuse and on Game Faqs said he wants to be removed as he doesn't even use recon. How long ago was the change?