Okay, when you imbed an image you enter the following key around the image's url: Whenever I do this, I click preview. But instead of showing my screenshot embedded into my map's thread, it shows a link to the image. What am I doing wrong?
Can you give us an example? Also, if you are directly linking from Bungie.net, it will mess it up completely. Just save all of the images you want from Bungie.net and then upload them to ImageShack or Photobucket. Then directly link the pictures from there using the img tags.
Here is one of the pics I'm trying to embed: http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/1748/31324524jc5.jpg I put around it and it turns into a link to the pic instead of embedding it. The final result looks like this:
Wait, what? On my screen it shows http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/1748/31324524jc5.jpg not an embedded picture.