Trouble in T.Town

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by physcopirahna6, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    So as you've gathered the name is Trouble in T.Town. So lets get started.

    This is my attempt to remake the largely popular Trouble In Terrorist town in Halo Reach. Obviously soon this will become obsolete due to Halo 4's release. But I thought that I would try and get this out before then seeing as with the life-span of Halo Reach I haven't released anything, or donated much to the community. So this is my way of saying bye to Halo Reach. Now I warn you not all the bugs are fixed and as of yet I haven't managed to test out the gametype which as you know is problematic, I have used infection for the gametype and so far most bugs are sorted but not finished . But for the meantime I'll show you the map in which it will take place on.

    Now this map started out as a competitive map by the name of Pumped, now this map is on the previews here but this is not a way of me getting the map attention. The map has changed vastly. To the point where I have removed half of the map and used that space instead. So now I invite you to have a look at this new map

    So Here is T.Town Now I warn you that the map has been slightly altered since these pictures but waypoint won't let me view them straight away, but it is basically the same.


    So as you can see I have based this off electrical plant and this even has a water mill, well my attempt at one. So for those who like the look of this, unfortunately this is all there is to look at right now.


    The game starts with two traitors, you gain points by winning the round 2 points if you are the traitors and 2 points if you are the survivors. One you are killed (or betrayed technically) that's it and you besom an observer.
    The starting weapons are a magnum and an assault rifle for both traitors and survivors there are no grenade. However you will find weapons scattered around the map along with health packs.
    Shields and health do not recharge to give this game the sense of the original.
    There are 5 rounds with 7 minute time limit. Both traitors and survivors are the same colour.
    Traitors however, have sensors where as survivors do not. These sensors indicate where the survivors and there fellow traitor is. For obvious reasons friendly fire is on.
    This gametype may change to fix any problems

    If anyone would like to assist me on the gametype or even the map then please do so as all help is appreciated thank you for viewing this post
    #1 physcopirahna6, Oct 20, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012

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